首页> 外国专利> Process for the fabricau00c7u00e7o of at least a butene, processes for the produu00c7u00e7o a reau00c7u00e7o product, process for the produu00c7u00e7o of at least one butyl alkyl ether and process for produu00c7u00e7o a product of reau00c7u00e7o

Process for the fabricau00c7u00e7o of at least a butene, processes for the produu00c7u00e7o a reau00c7u00e7o product, process for the produu00c7u00e7o of at least one butyl alkyl ether and process for produu00c7u00e7o a product of reau00c7u00e7o

机译:至少一种丁烯的织物的制备方法,产物的制备方法,至少一种丁烷基醚的产物的制备方法,产物的制备方法u00c7 u00e7o rea u00c7 u00e7o的乘积


Fabricau00c7u00e7o processes of at least one butene, a product of reau00c7u00e7o, of at least one ISO octene, of at least one aromu00c1tico compound and at least one butyl alkyl ether. The present invention relates to a process for the manufacture of butanes using 2 - butanol dry obtained from fermentation broth.In this way the butanes can be conventidos in isoalcanos, aromatic, alkyl substituted, ISO octane, ISO - octyl ethers octanu00f3is and which are useful in transport fuels.
机译:至少一种丁烯,至少一种ISO辛烯,至少一种芳族化合物和至少一种丁基烷基醚的产物的至少一种丁烯的Fabrica方法。本发明涉及一种使用从发酵液中获得的2-丁醇干燥物来制备丁烷的方法。通过这种方式,丁烷可以是异烷烃,芳族烃,烷基取代的,ISO辛烷,ISO-辛基醚octan u3f中的溶剂基,可用于运输燃料。



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