首页> 外文OA文献 >Концептуальні основи вищої освіти в інформаційному суспільствіud(Conceptual Foundations of Higher Education in the Information Society)

Концептуальні основи вищої освіти в інформаційному суспільствіud(Conceptual Foundations of Higher Education in the Information Society)

机译:信息社会中高等教育的概念基础 ud(信息社会中高等教育的概念基础)



Вища освіта потребує оновлення своїх концептуальних основ в умовах інформаційного суспільства. Університети повинні стати центрами з продукування і вдосконалення знань, осередками культури і моралі. Провідною навчальною дисципліною має бути етика на основі Першокниг людства: Вед, Авести, Біблії, Корану.ud(Information society focuses on the rejection from the objective of implementing the economic growth of the countryudprimarily. The economy is no longer a major subsystem of society. Economic growth by means of goods productionudbecomes secondary. The main purpose of the new society is the welfare increase of the country and its citizens throughudcommunication facilitating and information processing. It comes to the replacement of the economic structure based onudheavy industry, by the structure based on knowledge-intensive industries.udAccording to this, the replacement of the conceptual framework of higher education in the information society isudextremely important.udAs a result, the following conclusions were obtained:ud– In the information society universities do not only research work and learning process, but also become centers of creating, collecting, reflecting, recording, accumulating, preserving and spreading knowledge;ud– Higher education is to become the environment of high cultured level and cherish spirituality, patriotism andudcollectivism. Technocratism of higher education requires to be reviewed. The amount of technical universities availableudin Ukraine does not meet to the structure of the information society. Their number should be reduced. Spirituality onudthe base of the scientific exploration of the Bible and other the first books of humanity is the basis of the educational process;ud– Essence of the learning process procedure must be supplemented by modern Postnonclassical meaning component;ud– Ethics and psychology are the most important science, and physics, mathematics and other natural sciences areudminor or even irrelevant (in the non-core facilities) for the learning process;ud– Emphasis in learning is transferred from acquiring knowledge to the ability to create them. Higher educationudmust prepare primarily scientists, those who will be engaged in scientific work. Hence, prestige, activity conditions,udpayments and Ukrainian scientists’ situation should be reviewed with the aim of changing for the better.)
机译:高等教育需要在信息社会中更新其概念基础。大学应成为知识产生和改善,文化和道德中心。领先的学术学科应基于人类第一本书的伦理学:吠陀经,阿韦斯塔经文,圣经,可兰经。 Ud(信息社会的重点是拒绝实现国家经济增长的目标首要。经济不再是主要子系统通过商品生产实现的经济增长成为次要的。新社会的主要目的是通过促进通信和信息处理来提高国家及其公民的福利。它涉及到基于社会的经济结构的替代。 ud重工业,通过基于知识密集型产业的结构 ud因此,信息社会中高等教育概念框架的替换非常重要 ud结果,得出以下结论: ud -在信息社会中,大学不仅研究工作和学习过程,而且还成为创建,收集,反映,记录,积累,保存和传播知识; ud –高等教育要成为具有较高文化水平并珍惜灵性,爱国主义和udcollectivism的环境。高等教育的技术官僚主义需要加以审查。可用的技术大学数量 udin乌克兰不符合信息社会的结构。他们的人数应减少。在圣经和其他第一本人类科学书籍的科学探索基础上的精神性是教育过程的基础; ud –学习过程过程的本质必须辅以现代的非经典意义成分; ud –伦理学和心理学是最重要的科学,而物理学,数学和其他自然科学在学习过程中处于“弱”甚至不相关的状态(在非核心机构中); ud –学习的重点已从获取知识转变为创造能力他们。高等教育 udm首先必须准备科学家,他们将从事科学工作。因此,应该对声望,活动条件,付款方式和乌克兰科学家的状况进行审查,以期变得更好。



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