首页> 外文OA文献 >Ferrous Iron Binding Key to Mms6 Magnetite Biomineralisation: A Mechanistic Study to Understand Magnetite Formation Using pH Titration and NMR Spectroscopy

Ferrous Iron Binding Key to Mms6 Magnetite Biomineralisation: A Mechanistic Study to Understand Magnetite Formation Using pH Titration and NMR Spectroscopy




Formation of magnetite nanocrystals by magn eto-tactic bacteria is controlled by specificproteins whichregu-late the particles’ nucleation and growth.One such proteinis Mms6. This small, amphiph ilic protein can self-assembleand bind ferric ions to aid in magnetite formation. To under-stand the role of Mms6 duringinvitro iron oxide precipita-tion we have performed in situ pH titrations. We find Mms6has little effect duringferric salt precipitation, but exertsgreatest influence during the incorporation of ferrous ionsand conversion of this salt to mixed-valence iron mineral s,suggesting Mms6 has ahitherto unrecorded ferrous iron in-teracting property which promotes the formation of mag-netiteinferrous-rich solutions.Weshow ferrous binding tothe DEEVE motif within the C-term inal region of Mms6 byNMR spectroscopy,and model these binding events usingmolecular simulations. We conclude that Mms6 functions asamagnetite nucleating protein under cond itions where fer-rous ions predominate.
机译:大型趋化细菌形成磁铁矿纳米晶体是由特定蛋白质控制的,该蛋白质调节颗粒的成核和生长。其中之一就是Mms6。这种小的两亲性蛋白质可以自我组装并结合铁离子,从而有助于磁铁矿的形成。为了了解Mms6在体外氧化铁沉淀过程中的作用,我们进行了原位pH滴定。我们发现Mms6在铁盐沉淀过程中几乎没有影响,但是在亚铁离子的结合以及该盐向混合价铁矿物质的转化过程中影响最大。我们通过NMR光谱显示了亚铁与Mms6 C末端区域内DEEVE基序的结合,并使用分子模拟对这些结合事件进行了建模。我们得出的结论是,在亚铁离子占主导地位的条件下,Mms6起到了磁铁矿成核蛋白的作用。



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