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Myths about HIV and AIDS among serodiscordant couples in Malawi




Purpose: The paper reports on research that uncovered myths about HIV and AIDS held byudserodiscordant couples in Malawi, and the sources of these myths. The paper reflects on howudthe myths affect serodiscordant couples’ engagement with HIV and AIDS information.ududDesignudVan Manen's (1997) approach to analysis of phenomenological data is used to analyse data from indepthudinterviews conducted in Malawi with 21 serodiscordant couples and 3 individuals who hadudseparated from their partners because of serodiscordance.ududFindingsudSerodiscordant couples in Malawi believe and hold on to some inaccurate HIV and AIDS informationudthat can be seen as ‘myths’. Some of these myths are perpetuated by official HIV and AIDS informationudwhen it is translated into the local languages. Other myths derive from social norms of the societiesudwhere the couples live.ududPractical implications: The findings of this paper have practical implications for how HIV and AIDSudinformation providers should engage with target audiences to understand the origins of the myths theyudhold. The findings also imply that some myths have technical, religious, moral and cultural bases whichudneed to be addressed before challenging the myth itself.ududOriginality/Value: Using real-life descriptions of experiences of HIV and AIDS information provided byudserodiscordant couples, the authors reveal how myths can affect engagement with the information. Theudauthors make recommendations on how to address myths in ways that contribute to a positiveudexperience of HIV and AIDS information by serodiscordant couples
机译:目的:该论文报道了有关发现马拉维“极度不协调”的夫妇关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病的神话的研究,以及这些神话的来源。这篇论文反映了 ud神话如何影响浆膜粘稠夫妇对艾滋病毒和艾滋病信息的参与。 ud udDesign udVan Manen(1997)的现象学数据分析方法用于分析来自马拉维的深度 ud访谈中的数据与21种浆膜粘稠剂夫妻和3个人由于伴侣之间的不洁而与伴侣分开。当将官方的艾滋病毒/艾滋病信息翻译成当地语言后,其中的某些神话就永久化了。其他神话来自夫妻的社会规范夫妻生活的地方。 ud ud实践意义:本文的发现对艾滋病毒/艾滋病信息提供者应如何与目标受众互动以了解他们神话的起源有实际意义 udhold。研究结果还暗示,某些神话具有在挑战神话本身之前必须加以解决的技术,宗教,道德和文化基础。 ud ud原创性/价值:使用现实生活中对HIV和AIDS经历的描述,信息由 udserocorcordant夫妇,作者揭示了神话如何影响信息的参与。 ud作者对如何解决神话提出了一些建议,这些方式有助于使血清胶粘剂夫妇对HIV和AIDS信息有积极的经验


  • 作者

    Wella K.; Webber S.A.; Levy P.;

  • 作者单位
  • 年度 2017
  • 总页数
  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种 en
  • 中图分类
  • 入库时间 2022-08-31 16:18:20


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