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Australian Government commits to action on domestic violence




An infographic explaining the actions the Australian Government will take on domestic violence.From the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet:Every woman in Australia has the right to feel safe and live without fear.Yet, one in six Australian women has experienced violence from a current or former partner, and 63 women have been killed so far this year.For Indigenous women the situation is even worse – they are 34 times more likely to be hospitalised as a result of family violence.Today the Government announced a $100 million package of practical measures to help keep women safe, deliver better frontline support and services, and provide resources to help parents, teachers and students change young people’s attitudes to violence – into the next generation. $21 million has been committed to specific measures that will help Indigenous women and communities.The package responds to the advice of COAG’s Advisory Panel on Reducing Violence against Women and their Children – chaired by Ken Lay and deputy-chaired by Rosie Batty and Heather Nancarrow. This is part of the Government’s longer term response to domestic and family violence and the COAG Advisory Panel’s final report, due in early 2016, will advise on what further measures could be introduced.
机译:图表说明澳大利亚政府将采取的应对家庭暴力的行动总理府和内阁部表示:澳大利亚的每个妇女都有权享有安全和无惧恐惧的生活,然而,六分之一的澳大利亚妇女遭受了来自现在的伴侣或以前的伴侣,今年迄今已有63名妇女被杀。对于土著妇女来说,情况甚至更糟–由于家庭暴力,她们住院的可能性要高34倍。今天,政府宣布了一项1亿美元的救助计划切实可行的措施,以确保妇女安全,提供更好的一线支持和服务,并提供资源来帮助父母,老师和学生改变年轻人对暴力的态度-下一代。一揽子计划已承诺投入2100万美元,以帮助土著妇女和社区。该计划响应了COAG减少对妇女及其子女的暴力行为咨询小组的建议,该小组由Ken Lay主持,由Rosie Batty和Heather Nancarrow担任副主席。这是政府对家庭和家庭暴力的长期应对措施的一部分,COAG咨询小组的最终报告定于2016年初,将就可采取的进一步措施提供建议。



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