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UK QE reconsidered: the real economy effects of monetary policy in the UK, 1990-2012 – an empirical analysis

机译:英国QE重新考虑:1990 - 2012年英国货币政策的实体经济效应 - 实证分析


Empirical studies of so called ‘unconventional’ monetary policy – ‘Quantitative Easing’ or ‘Large Scale Asset Purchases’ - since the North Atlantic Financial Crisis of 2007-2009 in the United Kingdom and elsewhere have mainly focussed on the effect of policy on intermediate variables rather than the stated ultimate goal of such policies, boosting nominal demand and GDP growth. Secondly and relatedly they tend to focus on the crisis and post-crisis period, a time of extraordinary economic and financial dislocation, which creates counterfactual and attribution problems and fails to capture typical macroeconomic lag dynamics. Adopting the approach of Voutsinas and Werner (2010), and building on Lyonnet and Werner’s (2012) study of UK QE, this paper addresses these weaknesses by 1) examining the impact of various different monetary policy instruments (including Quantitative Easing) directly on UK nominal GDP growth; and 2) using a quarterly time series beginning in the first quarter of 1990 and up to the last quarter of 2012 (92 observations in total). We use the Hendry ‘general-to-specific’ econometric methodology to estimate a parsimonious model. The results show that disaggregated bank credit to the real economy (households and firms) has the most significant impact on nominal GDP growth. Changes to the central bank’s interest rate, central bank reserves, and total central bank asset ratios drop out of the model as insignificant. The policy implication it that, as private banks continue to shrink their balance sheets in the UK and Europe following the North Atlantic Crisis of 2008, central banks might wish to consider ‘unconventional’ monetary policies that more directly boost credit to the real economy and thus nominal GDP growth
机译:自2007年至2009年英国及其他地区的北大西洋金融危机以来,对所谓的“非常规”货币政策(“量化宽松”或“大规模资产购买”)的实证研究主要集中于政策对中间变量的影响而不是这些政策的既定最终目标,而是促进名义需求和GDP增长。其次,与此相关的是,他们倾向于关注危机和危机后时期,这是一个经济和金融异常动荡的时期,这造成了事实和归因问题,无法捕捉典型的宏观经济滞后动态。本文采用Voutsinas和Werner(2010)的方法,并以Lyonnet和Werner(2012)对英国量化宽松的研究为基础,通过以下方法解决了这些不足:1)直接研究各种货币政策工具(包括量化宽松)对英国的影响名义GDP增长; 2)使用从1990年第一季度到2012年最后一个季度的季度时间序列(总共92项观测值)。我们使用Hendry的“一般到特定”计量经济学方法来估算简约模型。结果表明,对实体经济(家庭和公司)的分类银行信贷对名义GDP增长的影响最大。中央银行利率,中央银行准备金和中央银行总资产比率的变化微不足道,因此不在模型中。政策暗示,随着2008年北大西洋危机后私人银行继续缩减英国和欧洲的资产负债表,中央银行可能希望考虑“非常规”货币政策,以更直接地增加对实体经济的信贷,从而名义GDP增长



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