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An updated mammal biochronology and biogeography for the paleocene and early eocene of Asia



Paleomammalogists often use a biochronological system of regional Land Mammal Ages (LMAs) to designate intervals of time defined by specific events in the evolutionary history of mammals. In North America and Europe, this biochronological framework is fairly well known and has been partially correlated to the global timescale (Secord et al. 2006; Smith & Smith 2003). The Asian early Paleogene mammal biochronology is less precise, due to our previously limited knowledge of these faunas. Moreover, the endemic nature of these Asian faunas and the few absolute ages available have made the correlation and dating of these faunas problematic. Wang et al. (2007) provided a recent synthesis of the Chinese Paleogene mammal radiations, but Ting (1998) was the last to provide a detailed study of the Paleocene and Early Eocene Asian LMAs (ALMAs). However, in the past decade research efforts have rapidly increased the available data on the Asian faunas, creating the need for a detailed update of the existing biochronological framework and its biogeographical interpretation. Faunal data from Asian early Paleogene mammal sites were analysed with Appearance Event Ordination to obtain a temporally ordered faunal succession. Faunal data and analysis results were studied in detail to define biochronological boundaries corresponding to major faunal turnovers, and to clearly characterise the different ALMAs. The new biochronology allows an improved correlation of ALMAs with North American and European LMAs, and to better understand the biogeography of Paleocene and Early Eocene Asian mammals. The poorly known Shanghuan represents the oldest Paleocene ALMA, and is characterised by an assemblage dominated by primitive gliriforms and pantodonts. The following Nongshanian ALMA is characterised by an endemic specialisation and diversification. Especially gliriforms radiate, with the diversification of Anagalidae and Pseudictopidae, the first appearance of the gliriform family Arctostylopidae, and, most notably, the appearance of true Glires, represented by Eurymylidae and Mimotonidae. The poor knowledge and primitive, endemic nature of the Shanghuan and Nongshanian faunas complicates their correlation, but the Shanghuan-Nongshanian boundary is often correlated with the Torrejonian-Tiffanian boundary in North America, and this hypothesis was recently magnetostratigraphically corroborated (Clyde et al. 2008). Both boundaries thus seem to represent independent but synchronous turnovers of endemic taxa, and were possibly triggered by the start of a period of global cooling. The Gashatan ALMA is characterised by the first appearance of rodents, prodinoceratids and hyaenodontids, all of which supposedly evolved in Asia. However, neoplagiaulacids, nyctitheriids, cimolestids and carpolestids also make their first appearance in Asia during the Gashatan, and represent North American immigrants (Missiaen and Smith 2008). Conversely, during this period Asian mammals were also able to invade North America, with a first wave consisting of arctostylopids and prodinoceratids arriving at the start of Tiffanian-5a, and a second wave consisting of rodents, tillodonts and coryphodontids at the start of the Clarkforkian (Secord et al. 2006). The start of the Gashatan is thus no younger than Tiffanian-5a, but may prove to be even older. Although it is not possible to constrain the exact timing or duration of these migration waves at the start of the Gashatan, available evidence is most consistent with two discrete dispersal intervals approximately 1.3 Ma apart. The Bumbanian ALMA is characterised by the first appearance of artiodactyls, perissodactyls and primates, similar to their appearance in North America and Europe at the start of the Eocene, and the Gashatan-Bumbanian boundary is traditionally correlated to the Paleocene-Eocene boundary. Contrasting with dispersal at the start of the Gashatan, dispersal during the Bumbanian seems to have been possible during a more extended period of time and was also possible directly between Asia and Europe (Ting 1998; Smith et al. 2006).
机译:古生物学家经常使用区域陆地哺乳动物年龄(LMA)的生物年代学系统来指定由哺乳动物进化史中的特定事件定义的时间间隔。在北美和欧洲,这种生物年代学框架是众所周知的,并且已部分地与全球时间尺度相关(Secord等,2006; Smith&Smith,2003)。由于我们以前对这些动物的了解有限,亚洲早期古近代哺乳动物的生物年代学不太精确。此外,这些亚洲动物区系的特有性质和可利用的少数绝对年龄使这些动物区系的相关性和年代确定成为问题。 Wang等。 (2007年)提供了中国古近代哺乳动物放射线的最新合成,但Ting(1998年)最后一次提供了对古新世和始新世亚洲LMA(ALMAs)的详细研究。但是,在过去的十年中,研究工作迅速增加了有关亚洲动物区系的可用数据,因此有必要对现有的生物年代学框架及其生物地理学解释进行详细更新。使用出现事件排序分析了亚洲古近纪早期哺乳动物站点的动物数据,以获得时间有序的动物群演替。对动物的数据和分析结果进行了详细研究,以定义与主要动植物更新相对应的生物时间界限,并清楚地表征不同的ALMA。新的生物年代学可以改善ALMA与北美和欧洲LMA的相关性,并更好地了解古新世和早始新世亚洲哺乳动物的生物地理。鲜为人知的上环是最古老的古新世ALMA,其特征是由原始的丝状和潘托犬为主的组合。以下农山ALMA的特征是地方性专业化和多元化。随着伞形科和假单足科的多样化,尤其是鹰嘴状放射,辐射状的鹰嘴形科弧菌科首次出现,最引人注目的是以真眼科和appearance科为代表的真正的角li科的出现。上环和农山动物区系的知识贫乏和原始,地方性使它们之间的相关关系复杂化,但是上环-农山边界通常与北美的托雷乔尼-蒂凡尼边界相关,这一假说最近在地磁学上得到了证实(Clyde等,2008)。 )。因此,这两个边界似乎代表了地方性分类单元的独立但同步的周转,并且可能是由全球冷却时期的开始触发的。 Gashatan ALMA的特点是首次出现了啮齿动物,棘角动物和犬齿类动物,据称它们都是在亚洲进化的。但是,新pla藻酸,夜蛾类,香茅甾类和类胡萝卜素在加沙坦时期也首次出现在亚洲,并代表北美移民(Missiaen和Smith,2008年)。相反,在此期间,亚洲哺乳动物也能够入侵北美,第一波由弓形虫和前角棘类组成,到达了Tiffanian-5a的起点,第二波由啮齿动物,齿状体和钩齿动物组成,第二波在Clarkforkian的起点。 (Secord et al。2006)。因此,加沙坦的开始并不比Tiffanian-5a年轻,但是可能更老。尽管不可能在加沙坦开始时限制这些迁移波的确切时间或持续时间,但现有证据与两个相距约1.3 Ma的离散分散间隔最一致。孟买ALMA的特征是首次出现偶蹄动物基,过十二指动物基和灵长类动物,类似于它们在始新世初期在北美和欧洲的出现,而Gashatan-Bumbanian边界传统上与古新世-始新世边界相关。与加沙坦一开始的散布相反,孟买时期的散布似乎在更长的时间内是可能的,而且在亚洲和欧洲之间也可能直接散布(Ting 1998; Smith et al。2006)。


  • 作者

    Missiaen Pieter; Smith Thierry;

  • 作者单位
  • 年度 2009
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  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种 eng
  • 中图分类
  • 入库时间 2022-08-20 21:01:14


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