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Local barycentric coordinates




Barycentric coordinates yield a powerful and yet simple paradigmudto interpolate data values on polyhedral domains. They representudinterior points of the domain as an affine combination of a set ofudcontrol points, defining an interpolation scheme for any functionuddefined on a set of control points. Numerous barycentric coordinateudschemes have been proposed satisfying a large variety of properties.udHowever, they typically define interpolation as a combination ofudalludcontrol points. Thus audlocaludchange in the value at a single controludpoint will create audglobaludchange by propagation into the wholeuddomain. In this context, we present a family ofudlocal barycentricudcoordinatesud(LBC), which select for each interior point a small setudof control points and satisfy common requirements on barycentricudcoordinates, such as linearity, non-negativity, and smoothness. LBCudare achieved through a convex optimization based on total variation,udand provide a compact representation that reduces memory footprintudand allows for fast deformations. Our experiments show that LBCudprovide more local and finer control on shape deformation thanudprevious approaches, and lead to more intuitive deformation results.
机译:重心坐标产生强大而简单的范例 ud,以在多面体域上插值数据值。它们将域的 udinterior点表示为一组 udcontrol点的仿射组合,从而定义了针对一组控制点上定义的任何函数 ud的插值方案。已经提出了许多重心坐标 udschems来满足各种特性。 ud但是,它们通常将插值定义为 udall udcontrol点的组合。因此,单个控件 udpoint上的 udlocal udchange值将传播到整个 uddomain中,从而创建一个 udglobal udchange。在这种情况下,我们介绍了一个 udlocal重心 udcoordinates ud(LBC)系列,该系列为每个内部点选择一小部分 udof控制点,并满足重心 udcoordinates上的常见要求,例如线性,非负,和光滑度。通过基于总变化量的凸优化来实现LBC, udand提供了紧凑的表示形式,可减少内存占用量 udand,并允许快速变形。我们的实验表明,与以前的方法相比,LBC对形状变形提供了更多的局部和更好的控制,并导致了更直观的变形结果。



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