首页> 外文OA文献 >高位收穫田の化學的研究 : 其の三 大阪府下に於ける高位收穫田の調査並に研究 : 其の四 兵庫縣下に於ける高位收穫田の調査並びに研究(農藝化学)

高位收穫田の化學的研究 : 其の三 大阪府下に於ける高位收穫田の調査並に研究 : 其の四 兵庫縣下に於ける高位收穫田の調査並びに研究(農藝化学)



The differences between the representative fertile paddy soils and their neighbouring infertile soils in Osaka and Hyogo Prefectures were investigated in the field and laboratory. The results may be summariesed as follows: (1) The average depth of cultivating layers of fertile fields was 17cm., while that of infertile fields was 11.9cm. (2) The compact layers which had been caused by plowing fertile rice fields were not hard so that the roots of rice plants can penetrate more or less, but those of infertile fileds were very hard as if a "hard pan". (3) In most cases, the underground water levels of low yield fields were relatively higher than those of high yield fields. (4) The difference of subsoils between these two soil groups was not distinct, but in low yield fields, there is much heavy clay soil in which the penetration of water is very slow. (5) The drying effects of low yield rice fields have a tendency to be greater than those of high yield fields, while the difference of total nitrogen contents between these two fields was insignificant. (6) The free iron contents are generally more in the subsoils than in the surface soils. In many sandy soils, iron is solved away from the surface soils. But any definite difference between the high yield rice soil and the low yield one can not be recongnized, except the soils of Takawashi and Tannan-mura. (7) It was observed that the "total acidity" of high yield surface soils is relatively lower than that of low yield surface soils, while it was reversed in compact layers caused by plowing and in subsoils. The pH values of the surface soils have the same tendency, that is, greater in high yield fields than in low yield fields. But any defiinite differences were not observed in compact layers caused by plowing and in subsoils. (8) The definite differences between high yield rice fields and law yield ones in ignition loss, base exchange capacity and etc., could not be recognized.
机译:在田野和实验室中,研究了大阪府和兵库县代表性的肥沃稻田土壤与其附近的贫瘠土壤之间的差异。结果可归纳如下:(1)沃土耕层平均深度为17cm,不孕土平均耕层深度为11.9cm。 (2)耕作肥沃的稻田造成的致密层并不坚硬,因此水稻的根部可以或多或少地穿透,但是不育领域的坚硬层就像“硬锅”一样。 (3)在大多数情况下,低产田的地下水位相对高于高产田的地下水位。 (4)这两种土壤类型之间的底土差异不明显,但是在低产田中,有大量的黏土,水的渗透非常缓慢。 (5)低产稻田的干燥效果倾向于大于高产稻田,而这两个田间的总氮含量差异不明显。 (6)地下土壤中的游离铁含量通常比表层土壤中的游离铁含量高。在许多沙质土壤中,铁从表层土壤中溶解出来。但是,除了田川市和丹南村以外,高产水稻土和低产水稻土之间的任何确定的差异都无法辨认。 (7)观察到,高产表层土壤的“总酸度”相对低于低产表层土壤的“总酸度”,而在耕作引起的致密层和地下土壤中则相反。表层土壤的pH值具有相同的趋势,即在高产田中比在低产田中更大。但是在耕作引起的致密层和地下土壤中都没有观察到任何限定性差异。 (8)不能认识到高产稻田与常规稻田在燃烧损失,碱基交换容量等方面的明确差异。



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