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Mosquitoes in Malta : Preliminary entomological investigation and risk assessment for vector-borne diseases (Diptera: Culicidae)




At the request of Malta’s Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Unit (IDCU), the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) organized an expert mission in Malta in 2009 to provide support for a vector-borne disease (VBD) risk assessment. As these diseases are clearly related to the presence of competent and efficient vectors, and as little information was available on the local mosquito fauna (Diptera: Culicidae), a field study was implemented during the mission. The aim was to determine the presence and relative abundance of potential vectors, and to assess the risk of transmission of mosquito-borne diseases. From April 6th to May 1st, 2009, a total of 114 among 513 investigated putative larval habitat units contained mosquito immature stages. Artificial habitats and coastal saltwater rock pools predominated among the larval habitats. Also, 1,150 female mosquitoes were caught with dry-ice baited light traps. Seven species among the nine known to occur in Malta at the time of the study were observed and Culex theileri is reported here for the first time. The most commonly encountered species were Culiseta longiareolata and Culex pipiens. Culex hortensis was only found on the island of Gozo. The mosquitoes of the Mariae complex have been identified in the past as Aedes zammitii but all except four of the specimens collected showed morphological characters corresponding to Aedes mariae. Neither Anopheles spp. nor Aedes albopictus were found despite the investigation of suitable larval habitats and the use of CO2-baited light traps and a few ovitraps. However, these species are known to be more abundant during the summer months and further investigations are needed to confirm their absence or their presence and distribution on the islands. The mosquito-related risk of disease for humans in Malta is discussed and West Nile fever appears to be the most probable mosquito-borne disease that could appear in Malta. The eventual finding of Aedes albopictus after this study was completed further strengthens the need to survey both chikungunya and dengue infections.
机译:应马耳他传染病预防和控制部门(IDCU)的要求,欧洲疾病预防和控制中心(ECDC)于2009年在马耳他组织了一个专家访问团,为媒介传播疾病(VBD)风险评估提供支持。由于这些疾病显然与有效和有效的媒介物存在有关,并且关于当地蚊子动物区系(双翅目::科)的信息很少,因此在任务期间进行了实地研究。目的是确定潜在媒介的存在和相对丰度,并评估传播蚊媒疾病的风险。从2009年4月6日至5月1日,在513个被调查的假定幼虫栖息地单元中,共有114个蚊子处于未成熟阶段。幼虫栖息地中主要是人工栖息地和沿海咸水岩池。另外,用干冰诱饵诱捕器捕获了1,150只雌性蚊子。在研究期间,已知在马耳他发生的9种物种中有7种被观察到,并且首次在此报道了库蚊theileri。最常见的物种是长形库蚊(Culiseta longiareolata)和淡色库蚊(Culex pipiens)。高山库蚊仅在戈佐岛上发现。过去已将马里亚复合体的蚊子定为赞比亚伊蚊,但除采集的四个标本外,所有蚊子均显示出与海伊蚊相对应的形态特征。既不是按蚊属。尽管已对合适的幼虫栖息地进行了调查,并使用了CO2诱饵诱捕器和一些诱卵器,但仍未找到白纹伊蚊。但是,已知这些物种在夏季月份更为丰富,需要进一步调查以确认它们的缺失或在岛上的存在和分布。讨论了马耳他与蚊子有关的人类疾病风险,西尼罗河热似乎是马耳他可能出现的最可能由蚊子传播的疾病。这项研究完成后最终发现白纹伊蚊进一步加强了对基孔肯雅热和登革热感染调查的需求。



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