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“Ein aus dem Nichts gestampfter Ort”. Espacio y memoria en Mit der Geschwindigkeit des Sommers de Julia Schoch

机译:“一个无处不在的地方”。随着夏天的流逝,朱莉亚·舒奇(Julia Schoch)



Julia Schoch’s novel is part of the wide range of works that have addressed the past of East Germany from different points of view in the last decades. In her text Schoch tells the story of two sisters whose childhood and youth occur in a small and remote town in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern near to the Polish border. The special features of this place and its surroundings serve as a starting point, twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, to reconstruct the past of the main characters in East Germany before and after the unification. This article explores the relationship between space and memory in Julia Schoch’s Mit der Geschwindigkeit des Sommers.
机译:朱莉娅·绍奇(Julia Schoch)的小说是过去几十年来从不同角度论述东德过去的众多作品的一部分。肖奇在她的著作中讲述了两个姐妹的故事,她们的童年和青年生活在波兰边境附近的梅克伦堡-前波莫瑞州一个偏远的小镇上。柏林墙倒塌二十年后,这个地方及其周围地区的特色便作为起点,重建了统一前后东德主要人物的过去。本文探讨了朱莉娅·绍奇(Julia Schoch)的《悲惨世界》中的空间与记忆之间的关系。



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