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Physiotherapy scoliosis-specific exercises: a comprehensive review of seven major schools




In recent decades, there has been a call for change among all studakeholders involved in scolioudsis management. Parents ofudchildren with scoliosis have cudomplained about the so-calledud?udwait and seeud?udapproach that far too many doctors use whenudevaluating childrenud?uds scoliosis curves between 10? and 25?. Observation, Phudysiotherapy Scoliosis Specific Exercises (PSSE)udand bracing for idiopathic scoliosis during growth are all therapeutic interventions accepted by the 2011 InternationaludSociety on Scoliosis Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Treatment (SOSORT). The standard features of these interventionsudare: 1) 3-dimension self-correction; 2) Traiudning activities of daily living (ADL); and 3) Stabilization of the corrected posture.udPSSE is part of a scoliosis care model that includes scoliosis specudific education, scoliosis speciudfic physical therapy exercises,udobservation or surveillance, psychological support and intervention, bracing and surgery. The model is oriented to theudpatient. Diagnosis and patient evaluation is essential in this model looking at a patient-oriented decision according toudclinical experience, scientific evidence and patientud?uds preference. Thus, specific exercises are not considered as anudalternative to bracing or surgery but as a therapeutic inteudrvention, which can be used alone or in combination withudbracing or surgery according to individual indication. In the PSSE model it is recommended that the physical therapistudwork as part of a multidisciplinary team including the orthudopeadic doctor, the orthotist, and the mental health careudprovider - all are according to the SOSORT guidelines and Scoudliosis Research Society (SRS) philosophy. From clinicaludexperiences, PSSE can temporarily stabudilize progressive scoliosis curves during the secondary period of progression,udmore than a year after passing the peak of growth. In non-pudrogressive scoliosis, the regular practice of PSSEudcould produce a temporary and significant reductioudn of the Cobb angle. PSSE can also produce benefits inudsubjects with scoliosis other than reducing the Cobudb angle, like improving back asymmetry, based on 3Dudself-correction and stabilization of a stable 3D correcudted posture, as well as the secondary muscle imbalanceudand related pain. In more severe cases of thoracic scudoliosis, it can also improve breathing function.udThis paper will discuss in detail seven major scoliosis schools and their approaches to PSSE, including theirudbracing techniques and scientific evidence. The aimudof this paper is to understand and learn about theuddifferent international treatment methods so that physiudcal therapists can incorporate the best from each intoudtheir own practices, and in that way attempt to improve the conservative management of patients withudidiopathic scoliosis. These schools are presented in thude historical order in which they were developed. Theyudinclude the Lyon approach from Franceud, the Katharina Schroth Asklepios approach from Germany, the Scientific Exercise Approach to Scoliosis (SEAS) from Italy, theudBarcelona Scoliosis Physical Therapy School approachud(BSPTS) from Spain, the Dobomed approach from Polaudnd, the Side Shift approach from the United Kingdom,udand the Functional Individual Therapy of Scoliosis approach (FITS) from Poland.
机译:在最近的几十年中,已经呼吁在参与运动控制的所有利益相关者之间进行变革。患有脊柱侧弯的儿童的父母已经对所谓的“ ud? udwait”进行了模棱两可,并且看到 ud? ududach太多了医生在评估儿童 ud? uds脊柱侧弯曲线在10?和25?观察,治疗脊柱侧弯的特殊运动(PSSE)成长过程中特发性脊柱侧弯的支撑是2011年国际脊柱侧弯矫形和康复治疗学会(SOSORT)接受的所有治疗性干预措施。这些干预措施的标准特征敢于:1)3维自我校正; 2)日常生活的学习活动(ADL); 3)矫正姿势的稳定。udPSSE是脊柱侧弯护理模型的一部分,该模型包括脊柱侧弯特殊教育,脊柱侧弯特定物理治疗练习,伪装或监视,心理支持和干预,支撑和手术。该模型面向患者。在此模型中,根据临床经验,科学证据和患者 uds uds偏好,以患者为导向的决策,诊断和患者评估至关重要。因此,特定的锻炼不被认为是支撑或手术的替代方法,而是作为治疗手段,可以根据个人适应症单独使用或与支撑或手术结合使用。在PSSE模型中,建议物理治疗师 udwork作为一个多学科团队的一部分,其中包括矫形假脚医生,矫形师以及精神保健 udprovider-均应符合SOSORT指南和Sco udliosis研究协会的要求(SRS)哲学。根据临床经验,PSSE可以在进展的次要阶段(超过生长峰值后一年多)暂时稳定/缓和进行性脊柱侧弯曲线。在非软性脊柱侧凸中,常规的PSSE治疗可能会暂时性和显着降低Cobb角。 PSSE除了可以减少Cob udb角之外,还可以在脊柱侧凸患者中产生益处,例如基于3D udself-correction和稳定的3D矫正姿势稳定以及继发性肌肉失衡而改善背部不对称性与udand相关的疼痛。在较严重的胸部脊柱侧凸病例中,它也可以改善呼吸功能。 ud本文将详细讨论七所主要的脊柱侧凸学校及其PSSE的方法,包括其过硬技术和科学证据。本文的目的是了解和了解不同的国际治疗方法,以便物理治疗师可以将每种治疗方法中的最佳方法结合到自己的实践中,从而尝试改善对患有以下疾病的患者的保守治疗:双源性脊柱侧弯。这些学校是按照其发展的历史顺序介绍的。他们包括法国的里昂方法,德国的Katharina Schroth Asklepios方法,意大利的科学锻炼脊柱侧弯方法(SEAS),西班牙的巴塞罗那脊柱侧弯物理疗法学校方法,西班牙的Dobo​​med方法来自Pola udnd,来自英国的Side Shift方法,来自 udud和来自波兰的脊柱侧弯功能个体疗法(FITS)。


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