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Chlamydia Screening in Ireland: a pilot study of opportunistic screening for genital Chlamydia trachomatis infection in Ireland (2007-2009). Economic evaluation




Economic EvaluationThe aim of the economic evaluation was to examine the cost effectiveness of the two screening models tested in the Chlamydia Screening in Ireland Pilot (CSIP) study: (a) Clinical Setting screening, and (b) ’Pee-in-a-pot’ periodic screening in third level institution/college settings. The methodological approach comprised of a dynamic transmission model paired with an economic model. In both analyses, screening was compared to a control strategy of no organised screening, that is existing care in Ireland.A public health system or provider perspective was adopted with respect to costs. The analysis considered the cost of screening to the health service, and the costs of infection and complications, not any additional costs reported by young people in accepting a chlamydia screening test. Health outcomes were assessed in terms of major outcomes (MOs) averted and quality adjusted life years (QALYs) gained.The costs of Clinical Setting screening were presented in terms of the cost per offer (€26 ), the cost per negative case (€66), the cost per positive case (€152), and the cost per partner notified and treated (€74). The costs of ’Pee-in-a-pot’ screening were presented in terms of the cost per negative case (€39), the cost per positive case (€125), and the cost per partner notified and treated (€74).In both analyses, screening was estimated to result in fewer major outcomes, fewer QALYs lost, and higher healthcare costs compared to the control strategy. The incremental cost effectiveness analyses indicated that screening in the Clinical Setting would result in an incremental cost per MO averted of €6,093 and an incremental cost per QALY gained of €94,717. ’Pee-in-a-pot’ screening was estimated to result in incremental cost effectiveness ratios of €2,294 per MO averted and €34,486 per QALY gained respectively.In Ireland, there is no fixed and generally agreed cost effectiveness threshold below which health care technologies would be considered by policy makers to be costeffective. Nonetheless, on the basis of other technologies that are currently funded, it is not likely that screening delivered in the Clinical Setting, given an incremental cost per QALY in the region of the €94,717 found in this study, would be considered cost effective.’Pee-in-a-pot’ screening in third level institution/college settings may be considered cost effective if a cost effectiveness threshold in the region of €45,000 per QALY gained is used. This is open to question, however, given the current economic climate and its resulting impact in terms of imposing further constraints on future healthcare budgets. It is also important to note that this strategy would have minimal in impact in reducing overall chlamydia prevalence in the population, if not supported by general population screening and prevention strategy.
机译:经济评估经济评估的目的是检验在爱尔兰衣原体筛查(CSIP)研究中测试的两种筛查模型的成本效益:(a)临床环境筛查,和(b)便尿法在三级机构/学院环境中进行定期检查。该方法学方法包括动态传递模型和经济模型。在这两项分析中,将筛查与无组织筛查的控制策略(即爱尔兰现有的护理)进行了比较,并在成本方面采用了公共卫生系统或提供者的观点。该分析考虑了向卫生服务机构进行筛查的费用,感染和并发症的费用,而不是年轻人报告的接受衣原体筛查测试的任何额外费用。根据避免的主要结局(MOs)和获得的质量调整生命年(QALYs)评估健康结局。临床设置筛查的成本以每次要约成本(€26),每例阴性病例的成本(€ 66个案例),每个积极案例的成本(152欧元)以及每个被告知和治疗的伙伴的成本(74欧元)。 “小便煲”筛查的费用按每例阴性病例的成本(39欧元),每例阳性病例的成本(125欧元)以及每个被告知和治疗的伴侣的成本(74欧元)表示。在两种分析中,与对照策略相比,筛查估计可导致更少的主要结果,更少的QALY丢失以及更高的医疗费用。成本效益增量分析表明,在“临床环境”中进行筛查将使每个MO避免增加6,093欧元的成本,而每个QALY获得的增加94,717欧元的成本。据估计,``小便一锅制''的筛查将使每MO节省的成本效益比分别增加2,294欧元和每QALY 34,486欧元。在爱尔兰,没有固定的和公认的成本效益阈值,低于此阈值的医疗保健决策者将认为这些技术具有成本效益。尽管如此,基于目前正在资助的其他技术,鉴于每项QALY在本研究中发现的94,717欧元区域内的增量成本,因此在临床环境中进行筛查的可能性不大。如果使用的成本效益阈值在每获得QALY 45,000欧元左右,则在三级机构/大学环境中进行“小便”筛查可认为具有成本效益。但是,鉴于当前的经济形势及其对未来医疗保健预算施加进一步限制的影响,这值得商question。还必须指出的是,如果没有总体的人群筛查和预防策略的支持,该策略在降低总体衣原体感染率方面的影响最小。


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