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Codling moth granulovirus: Variations in the susceptibility of local codling moth populations




This study is part of a BMELV (German Federal Ministry for, Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection)udproject for prevention of codling moth damage by long-term population control in large areas. Specimensudfrom local codling moth populations were collected in fall 2003 from three different orchards in the South ofudGermany; two of them having been treated with granulovirus of codling moth (CpGV Madex 2 and/or Granupom)udover many years (Lake Constance II and South Baden) and one since two years (Lake Constance I). Inudautumn 2004, specimens from populations in four other orchards with serious CM problems were collected toudinvestigate whether more populations were involved in that region. Furthermore, the population Lake ConstanceudI and South Baden were tested again. During the season, the location South Baden was almostudweekly treated with 100 ml/ha of Madex 2 to test whether the level of susceptibility would change after suchudheavy treatments.udThe susceptibility of the offsprings of the overwintering generation to CpGV was investigated in the spring ofudthe following year in bioassays on artificial diet and compared to a laboratory strain of the codling moth. Theudresults indicated significant differences in sensitivity to the virus between the local codling moth populations.udThe LC50-values showed that in 2004, South Baden and Lake Constance II were more than thousand foldudless susceptible than the populations Lake Constance I and the laboratory strain. The results from the bioassaysudin 2005 confirmed the low susceptibility of South Baden and of the new locations in Saarland and fromudan orchard 100 km away from South Baden. The population Lake Constance I, on the other hand, maintainedudits high sensitivity to the virus. The slope of the dose-mortality-regression lines of the unsusceptibleudpopulations was significantly lower than those of the susceptible ones, including that of the laboratory strain.udThis indicates a high inhomogeneity in the individual response of the unsusceptible larvae against the virus.udActually, the problem of reduced sensitivity to the virus seems to be limited to a few orchards in Germany, theudmajority of orchards being not affected.
机译:这项研究是BMELV(德国联邦食品,农业和消费者保护部)项目的一部分,该项目旨在通过在大范围内进行长期人口控制来预防对苹果d蛾的危害。 2003年秋季,从德国南部三个不同的果园中收集了本地苹果d蛾种群的标本。他们中的两人已经用苹果d蛾的颗粒病毒治疗过(CpGV Madex 2和/或Granupom)多年(康斯坦茨二世和南巴登),两年后已经治疗了一次(康斯坦茨一世)。在2004年秋季,从其他四个存在严重CM问题的果园中收集了种群标本,以调查该地区是否涉及更多种群。此外,再次测试了博登湖 udI和南巴登的人口。在这个季节中,南部巴登州几乎 udweek每星期用100 ml / ha的Madex 2处理过,以测试这种处理过重后是否易感性发生变化。 ud对越冬代后代对CpGV的敏感性进行了研究。次年春天在人工饮食的生物测定中进行了比较,并与实验室生产的co蛾进行了比较。 结果表明本地苹果co蛾种群对病毒的敏感性存在显着差异。 udLC50值显示,2004年,南巴登州和博登湖II的易感性比博登湖I和博登湖的易感性高。实验室菌株。 2005年生物测定法 udin的结果证实了南巴登和萨尔州新地点以及距南巴登100公里的 udan果园的敏感性较低。另一方面,康斯坦茨湖(Lake Constance I)种群对病毒保持高度敏感性。不敏感种群的剂量-死亡率回归线的斜率显着低于包括实验室菌株在内的易感种群的剂量-回归曲线。这表明不敏感幼虫对病毒的个体反应高度不均一。实际上,对病毒的敏感性降低的问题似乎仅限于德国的少数几个果园,多数果园并未受到影响。



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