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A user-centered design to annotate ritual facts in ancient Greek tragedies



Euporia is an annotation system developed with a user-centered approach for the study of ritual andudreligion in ancient Greek tragedy. Euporia adopts a domain specific language (DSL) and a lightweightudweb user interface in order to offer digital support to an anthropological study of ancient Greekudtragedy that compares ritual as it is performed or described in Greek tragedy with actual ancient ritualudas it can be reconstructed from literary, archaeological and epigraphic sources.udThe case study discussed in this paper (Aesch. Ag. 67-71) shows one of the main features ofudEuporia: the possibility to annotate different readings and different interpretations of the text and theirudconsequences in the reconstruction of ancient Greek ritual.
机译:Euporia是一种注释系统,它以用户为中心开发,用于研究古希腊悲剧中的仪式和宗教。 Euporia采用领域特定语言(DSL)和轻量级 udweb用户界面,以便为古希腊悲剧的人类学研究提供数字支持,该研究将希腊悲剧中执行或描述的仪式与实际古代仪式 udas进行比较 ud本文讨论的案例研究(Aesch。Ag。67-71)显示了 udEuporia的主要特征之一:注释文本的不同读物和不同解释的可能性及其在重建古希腊礼节中的后果。



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