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Information, incentives and institutions:experimenting with private-public partnerships to link the poor with modern supply chains




The goal is to identify external interventions capable of reducing constraints to integrate poor farmers into modern supply chains (MSCs) and do so by experimenting with different combinations of public-private partnerships. We also will put into practice our belief that if small poor farmers are provided good information; strong incentives; and a favorable institutional environment, they can become viable MSC suppliers. We do so in Senegal, Madagascar, India and China by: a.) developing innovative ways to build private-public partnerships; b.) providing farmers information, incentives and institutional support that they can use to become effective horticultural suppliers; and c.) by using a unique experimental approach. The project will offer farmers a way out of poverty and also will identify the constraints keeping farmers from connecting to MSCs. This information will let us create a set of Best-Practice Models. Our private partners will use these Best Practice Models to scale up across thousands of communities.
机译:目的是确定能够减少将贫困农民纳入现代供应链的限制的外部干预措施,并通过试验公私伙伴关系的不同组合来做到这一点。我们还将实践我们的信念,即如果能够为贫困的小农民提供良好的信息,那么我们将为他们提供帮助。强有力的激励措施;以及良好的机构环境,他们可以成为可行的MSC供应商。我们通过以下方式在塞内加尔,马达加斯加,印度和中国这样做:a。开发创新的方式来建立公私伙伴关系; b。)向农民提供信息,激励措施和机构支持,以使他们能够成为有效的园艺供应商; c。)使用独特的实验方法。该项目将为农民提供摆脱贫困的途径,还将确定使农民无法与MSC联系的制约因素。这些信息将使我们创建一组最佳实践模型。我们的私人合作伙伴将使用这些最佳实践模型在数千个社区中扩展规模。



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