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Biological activity of the enantiomers of 3-methylhentriacontane, a queen pheromone of the ant Lasius niger




Queen pheromones are essential for regulation of the reproductive division of labor in eusocial insect species. Although only the queen is able to lay fertilized eggs and produce females, in some cases workers may develop their ovaries and lay male-destined eggs, thus reducing the overall colony efficiency. As long as the queen is healthy, it is usually in the workers’ collective interest to work for the colony and remain sterile. Queens signal their fertility via pheromones, which may have a primer effect, affecting the physiology of workers, or a releaser effect, influencing worker behavior. The queen pheromone of the ant Lasius niger was among the first queen pheromones of social insects to be identified. Its major component is 3-methylhentriacontane (3-MeC31), which is present in relatively large amounts on the queen’s cuticle and on her eggs. 3-MeC31 regulates worker reproduction by inhibiting ovarian development. Most monomethyl-branched hydrocarbons can exist in two stereoisomeric forms. The correct stereochemistry is fundamental to the activity of most bioactive molecules, but this has rarely been investigated for methyl-branched hydrocarbons. Here, we tested the bioactivity of the (S)- and (R)-enantiomers of 3-MeC31, and found that whereas both enantiomers were effective in suppressing worker ovarian development,(S)-3-MeC31 appeared to be more effective at suppressing aggressive behavior by workers. This suggests that the natural pheromone may be a mixture of the two enantiomers. The enantiomeric ratio produced by queens remains unknown because of the small amounts of the compound available from each queen.
机译:女王信息素对于调节正常社会昆虫物种的生殖分工至关重要。尽管只有女王才能产下受精卵并产生雌性,但在某些情况下,工人们可能会发育卵巢并产下雄性卵,从而降低了总体菌落效率。只要女王保持健康,为殖民地工作并保持无菌状态通常符合工人的集体利益。皇后区通过信息素指示其生育能力,这种信息素可能具有引发作用,影响工人的生理状况,或者具有释放作用,影响工人的行为。蚂蚁Lasius niger的女王信息素是最早被鉴定出的社交昆虫女王信息素之一。它的主要成分是3-甲基十一碳六烯(3-MeC31),在女王的角质层和卵子中含量相对较高。 3-MeC31通过抑制卵巢发育来调节工人繁殖。大多数单甲基支链烃可以两种立体异构形式存在。正确的立体化学是大多数生物活性分子活性的基础,但很少对甲基支链烃进行过研究。在这里,我们测试了3-MeC31的(S)-和(R)-对映异构体的生物活性,发现尽管两种对映异构体均能有效抑制工人卵巢发育,但(S)-3-MeC31在压制工人的攻击行为。这表明天然信息素可以是两种对映异构体的混合物。皇后产生的对映体比率仍然未知,因为每个皇后都有少量化合物可用。



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