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Prevalencia del síndrome metabólico en pobladores peruanos por debajo de 1 000 y por encima de los 3 000 msnm

机译:秘鲁定居者代谢综合征的患病率低于1 000及以上3,000 msnm



Objectives: To determine and compare the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its components in Peruvian population living below1000 m and over 3000 m. Design: Data analysis of Encuesta Nacional de Indicadores Nutricionales, Bioquimicos, Socioeconomicosy Culturales Relacionados a las Enfermedades Cronicas Degenerativas 2006. Setting: Instituto Nacional de Salud Centro Nacional deAlimentacion y Nutricion, Ministerio de Salud, Lima, Perú. Participants: Subjects 20 year-old and above. Methods: We included 3384participants aged 20 year-old and above, 2425 living below 1000 m (level-1) and 959 over 3000 m (level-2). Metabolic syndrome wasdefined according to the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP ATP III) criteria. Main outcomemeasures: Metabolic syndrome and components prevalence. Results: Prevalence of metabolic syndrome was significantly higherin level-1 (19.7%) than in level-2 (10.2%), p0.001. Prevalence in males was 9.2% in level-1 and 5.1% in level-2, and in females29.9% in level-1 compared to 15.2% in level-2. Central obesity (35.5% vs. 21.1%), elevated blood pressure (20.9% vs. 15.0%),hyperglycemia (3.9% vs. 1.7%), raised triglycerides (31.3% vs. 25.7%), and low concentrations of HDLc (57.4% vs. 52.5%) weresignificantly more prevalent in level-1 compared to level-2 (p0.05). The most frequent components of metabolic syndrome in menwere hypertriglyceridemia and low HDLc, and in women were low HDLc and central obesity. Conclusions: Metabolic syndrome wassignificantly more prevalent in population under 1000 m; it may be as result of the nutritional, demographic, and socioeconomictransition in this area. Women were more susceptible to cardiovascular risk factors
机译:目的:确定和比较和比较生活综合征的患病率及其在秘鲁人口中生活在1000米以下和超过3000米以下的组件。设计:Encuesta Nacional de Trainmatores Nutricional,Bioquimicos,社会经济核糖的数据分析Relacionados A LAS Enfermedades Cronicas Degenerativas 2006.设置:Instituto Nacional De Salud Centro Nacional AfficionAcion Y Nutricion,Ministerio de Salud,Lima,Perú。参与者:20岁及以上的科目。方法:在20岁及以上,2425年含有3384岁的Participants,低于1000米(1)和959以上超过3000米(2级)。根据国家胆固醇教育计划成人治疗委员会III(NCEP ATP III)标准,代谢综合征染色。主要落入:代谢综合征和组分普遍存在。结果:代谢综合征的患病率显着高于-1(19.7%),高于-2(10.2%),p <0.001。男性患病率为1级-1和5.1%的水平为-2,患者29.9%的水平-1,1水平-2含量为-2。中央肥胖(35.5%对21.1%),血压升高(20.9%vs.15.0%),高血糖(3.9%vs.1.7%),促甘油三酯(31.3%vs.25.7%),低浓度的HDLC(与水平-2相比,57.4%与52.5%的52.5%在-1水平普遍存在 - 2(P <0.05)。 Menwere Hyperig甘油肽和低HDLC和女性中最常见的代谢综合征组成部分,以及女性低HDLC和中央肥胖症。结论:代谢综合征在1000米以下的人口中缺乏普遍存在。这可能是该地区营养,人口统计和社会经济贸易的结果。女性更容易受到心血管危险因素的影响



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