首页> 外文OA文献 >Seed dispersal of an invasive shrub, Amur honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii), by white-tailed deer in a fragmented agricultural-forest matrix

Seed dispersal of an invasive shrub, Amur honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii), by white-tailed deer in a fragmented agricultural-forest matrix

机译:侵入性灌木的种子分散,Amur Honeysuckle(Lonicera maackii),在分散的农业森林基质中是白尾鹿



Ungulates are potentially important seed dispersers for many invasive plant species. While our understanding of which invasive plant species are dispersed by ungulates has improved over the last decade, the factors influencing this process remain poorly understood. To address this, we explored whitetailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) seed consumption and dispersal of an invasive shrub (Lonicera maackii) in fragmented agricultural-forest matrices in western Ohio. In a pairwise browse preference experiment, deer browsed at similar levels on branches of L. maackii with fruits removed and fruits intact (mean ± 95 % CI 57 ± 14 and 62 ± 14 %, respectively). We found no evidence that white-tailed deer disperse L. maackii seeds along an invasion front, but 31 % of deer pellet groups collected in an invaded area contained germinable L. maackii seeds (maximum number of germinable seeds = 30). By combining hourly movement data specific to fragmented landscapes and gut retention time data, we projected that female deer disperse 91 %of ingested seeds further than 100 m from seed sources (i.e., long-distance seed dispersal), and rarely disperse seeds up to 7.9 km. We conclude that white-tailed deer can be important long-distance seed dispersal vectors of L. maackii, and that invader abundance and/or patch connectivity likely influence patterns of seed dispersal by white-tailed deer.
机译:对于许多外来入侵植物而言,谷粒是潜在的重要种子分散剂。在过去的十年中,尽管我们对有蹄类动物入侵哪种入侵植物物种的了解有所提高,但影响这一过程的因素仍然知之甚少。为了解决这个问题,我们探索了俄亥俄西部支离破碎的农林矩阵中白尾鹿(Odocoileus virginianus)种子的食用和入侵灌木(Lonicera maackii)的散布。在成对浏览偏好实验中,鹿以相似的水平浏览了苹果果蝇的分支,去除了果实,并完整了果实(分别为±95%CI 57±14和62±14%)。我们没有发现证据表明白尾鹿会沿着入侵前沿分散马氏乳杆菌种子,但是在入侵地区收集的鹿颗粒群中有31%含有可发芽的马氏乳杆菌种子(最大可发芽种子数= 30)。通过结合特定于零散景观的每小时运动数据和肠道保留时间数据,我们预测母鹿从种子源传播的摄取种子中91%的种子距离种子源超过100 m(即,长距离种子传播),并且很少将种子分散到7.9公里我们得出结论,白尾鹿可能是马氏乳杆菌的重要长距离种子传播媒介,入侵者的丰度和/或斑块连通性可能会影响白尾鹿的种子传播方式。



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