首页> 外文OA文献 >PERILAKU KOMUNIKASI DALAM AKULTURASI ANTAR udBUDAYA ud(Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif tentang perilaku komunikasi dalam akulturasi budaya antar etnis udJawa dan etnis Madura di kab Sampang Madura)

PERILAKU KOMUNIKASI DALAM AKULTURASI ANTAR udBUDAYA ud(Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif tentang perilaku komunikasi dalam akulturasi budaya antar etnis udJawa dan etnis Madura di kab Sampang Madura)

机译:跨学科的交际行为文化 UD(定性描述研究族群间文化适应的传播行为Jampanese和madurese在sampang区madura)



HARISUL AKBAR, CULTURE ACCULTURATION IN COMMUNICATION BEHAVIOR ud(Qualitative descriptive study of the behavior of the communication in acculturation between the udJavanese and Madurese districts Sampang) udSettlers living in Sampang Madura certainly bring a new culture and unwittingly udacculturation has occurred, as the majority of Javanese migrants had a major role in this udcultural mix. Madurese nature a more egalitarian and open, in contrast to the nature of the udJavanese "ewuh pakewuh". So the researchers are interested in studying how the behavior of udthe communication in acculturation between Javanese and Madurese ethnic at Sampang udMadura. udAcculturation is the learning process how to live in a new culture that begins with udcultural diffusion to some place,according to Harper (in his book. Samovar, et al,2010:479-ud482) there are three strategies that will accelerate or retard this process of acculturation that udis, language, imbalance, and ethnocentrism. Measuring 4 degrees phase ie communication udbehavior by Berlo (1) just spoke lightweight (only talk), (2) interdependence ud(interdependent), (3) tolerance (empathy), (4) mutual interaction (interactive). udThe research method used is descriptive qualitative research, the type of research that udcontains exposure by not involve calculations numbers (Kuncoro: 2003). udThe results have demonstrated the existence of acculturation interviews, all udinformants had passed four stages of communication behavior Berlo well, some things that udhinder the process are language differences, cultural differences and stereotypes of Madurese udwere rough, but over time both parties can adjust to the differences existing and also reduce udthe time the tribal stereotypes that the next stage can be run well. udKeywords: Acculturation, Java, Madura.
机译:HARISUL AKBAR,交流行为中的文化积淀 ud(对爪哇岛Javaud和Madurese地区Sampang之间交流中的交流行为的定性描述研究) ud定居在Sampang Madura的定居者无疑带来了一种新的文化,并且在不知不觉中发生了 udacculturiation大多数爪哇移民在这种文化的混合中起主要作用。与 udJavanese“ ewuh pakewuh”的本质形成对比,Madurese的本质更加平等和开放。因此,研究人员对研究Sampang udMadura的爪哇人和马杜雷塞人之间的文化交流行为感兴趣。 ud“精确化”是学习过程,该方法是如何在一种新文化中生活的过程,这种新文化始于 udcultural扩散到某个地方,根据Harper(在他的书中。Samovar等人,2010:479- ud482),有三种策略可以加速或阻碍这种适应过程,包括语言,不平衡和种族中心主义。测量4度相位,即Berlo的沟通 udhavior(1)只是说轻量级(只能说话),(2)相互依存 ud(interdependent),(3)容忍(同理),(4)相互互动(互动)。 ud所使用的研究方法是描述性定性研究,即通过不涉及计算数字而包含暴露的研究类型(Kuncoro:2003年)。 ud结果表明存在文化适应性访谈,所有 udinformant都顺利通过了Berlo的四个交流行为阶段,一些阻碍了该过程的事情是语言差异,文化差异和Madurese的刻板印象 ud很粗糙,但是随着时间的推移双方可以调整现有差异,还可以减少下一阶段可以很好运行的部落刻板印象。 ud关键字:Acculturation,Java,Madura。


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