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The involvement of amygdala neurons and amygdaloid dopaminergic and glutamatergic receptors in the acquisition and reinstatement of fear-potentiated startle in rats.




The basolateral amygdala (BLA) contains NMDA, AMPA, and dopamine (DA) D1 and D2 receptors and neurobiochemical events within the amygdala mediate conditioned-fear-learning (CFL) and fear expression. Long-term potentiation (LTP) occurs in the amygdale during Pavlovian fear conditioning and is associated with fear-memory storage. CFL depends on NMDA, AMPA and dopaminergic receptor-mediated processes and enhanced amygdaloidal synaptic transmission facilitates fear-memory retrieval and makes the expression of conditioned fear possible. Since mesoamygdaloid DA receptors contribute to CFL and fear expression, Experiment 1A and 1D examined the impact of intra-BLA infusion of the DA D1 and D2 receptor antagonists SCH 23390 and raclopride L-tartrate on the acquisition of FPS in rats. Rats of the Wistar strain were bilaterally implanted with guide cannulae positioned 1.0 mm above the medial portion of the BLA. Approximately fourteen days later rats were assessed for baseline acoustic startle responding and assigned to drug-treatment groups. Forty-eight hours later rats were infused with either saline or the appropriate dopaminergic antagonist. The intra-BLA infusions occurred before five fear conditioning and testing blocks and were conducted to see if antagonism of DA receptors would prevent FPS acquisition. Retention testing for FPS took place forty-eight hours later. The results demonstrated that blockade of amygdaloid DA D1 and D2 receptors prevented the acquisition of FPS. The pretraining intra-BLA infusions of either raclopride or SCH 23390 disrupted the formation of long-term conditioned fear memories as rats treated with these DA antagonists failed to exhibit FPS on the retention test. Thus, the deficits in FPS displayed by SCH 23390 and raclopride-treated rats are likely due to the impact of these DA antagonists on associative learning and fear-memory consolidation processes. Experiment 2 demonstrated that fear-extinguished rats exposed to unsignalled footshocks displayed a reinstatement of FPS, but the exact neurobiochemicaI events involved in FPS reinstatement have not been elucidated. In contrast, fear-extinguished rats that received no unsignalled footshocks exhibited no FPS during final testing. Since unsignalled footshocks produced robust FPS reinstatement, Experiments 3A to 3D independently examined the effects of NMOA, AMPA, and DA D2 and D1 receptor antagonists on this phenomenon. Over a period of ten days, rats with cannulae targeting the BLA were base lined, fear-conditioned, pretested, fear-extinguished and then infused with either raclopride L-tartrate (8.0µg, 4.0 µg and 2.0µg), SCH 23390 (4.0 µg), (±)-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid {(APS); 2.5 µg and 1.25 µg}, 6-Cyno-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione disodium {(CNQX); 5.0 µg and 2.5 µg), or phosphate buffered saline (PBS) before exposure to five unsignalled footshocks. FPS reinstatement was assessed 24 hours later. Results from these experiments demonstrate that PBS-infused rats showed FPS reinstatement, whereas rats infused with AP5, CNQX, or the two higher doses of raclopride failed to exhibit FPS reinstatement. Intra-BLA SCH 23390 infusions did not appear to disrupt the reinstatement of FPS in Experiment 3B, however obstructed guide cannulae may have affected these results. In Experiment 3C, intra-BLA AP5 infusions made just before unsignalled footshock presentation, prevented rats from exhibiting FPS reinstatement during final testing. A similar effect on FPS reinstatement was produced by CNQX application to the BLA of rats in Experiment 3D. The overall findings of Experiment 3 suggest that DA D2 receptor antagonism and the glutamatergic receptor antagonists (AP5 and CNQX) impaired amygdaloid fear-memory reconsolidation and retrieval processes by preventing the re-excitation of neurons and pathways that had become established during fear-conditioning. It is speculated that these drugs may have interfered with excitatory synaptic transmission processes and neurobiological intracellular cascades within the amygdala and thus prevented FPS reinstatement from occurring. Two expression-control experiments (Experiments 4 and 5), revealed that the observed blockade of FPS reinstatement in Experiment 3 could not be attributed to the drugs simply blocking fear expression since infusion of raclopride, AP5, or CNQX into the BLA of non-extinguished rats 24 hours before final testing did not prevent rats from expressing FPS. Electrical stimulation (ES) of the human amygdala and temporal lobe region produces emotionally charged memory flash-backs and behaviours indicative of a central fear-state. ES of the rat amygdala is known to elevate acoustic startle amplitudes and enhance emotionality in rats and kindling of the rat amygdala exaggerates FPS and produces a variety of autonomic and behavioural fear responses. In rats, conditioned fear and LTP are induced by ES of amygdaloid afferents so it is possible that electrical excitation of BLA neurons can trigger FPS reinstatement. Experiments 7A and 7B were conducted to test the hypothesis that ES of BLA neurons can restore FPS responding in fear-extinguished rats. Thus, rats with bipolar electrodes implanted unilaterally in the BLA were baselined, fear conditioned, pretested and then assigned to one of five groups matched on FPS. Rats then received fear-extinction or no-extinction training, followed 48 hours later by either 100 unsignalled electrical stimulations of the BLA or no stimulation. Experimental groups included; [Extinction + Stimulation (N=12), Extinction + No stimulation (N=12), No Extinction + No stimulation (N= 12), No Extinction + Stimulation (N=11) and Extinction + Stimulation out of context (N=12)]. FPS reinstatement was assessed 24 hours later and BLA AD-current threshold were recorded four days after FPS reinstatement testing was completed. Experiment 7A demonstrated that all experimental groups exhibited FPS except the Extinction + No stimulation control group which displayed a robust extinction effect. Most importantly, the Extinction + Stimulation group exhibited statistically significant FPS reinstatement after ES of the amygdala. Experiment 7B demonstrated that ES of the amygdala in a context different to the startle apparatus also produced FPS reinstatement in fear-extinguished rats. However, the magnitude of this FPS reinstatement effect was much smaller than that obtained when rats received ES of the amygdala in the startle testing apparatus. The overall finding that ES of the BLA causes FPS reinstatement in fear-extinguished rats suggests that ES of the BLA resensitised fear-memory systems and restored FPS responding. This effect was likely achieved by exciting amygdaloid neurons and pathways containing the memory-trace of the CS-UCS association originally established during Pavlovian fear conditioning. Experiments 8 to 10 used the same protocol as Experiment 7A and investigated whether ES of other brain regions that share reciprocal connections with the amygdala would trigger FPS reinstatement in fear-extinguished rats. Rats in Experiments 8 to 10 had bipolar electrodes unilaterally implanted in the perirhinal/insular cortex (PRh/IC), dorsal periaqueductal gray (dPAG), ventral tegmental area (VTA) and ventral periaqueductal gray (vPAG). Experiment 8 revealed that ES of the PRh/IC produced a positive trend towards FPS reinstatement. Experiment 9 examined the impact of dPAG and VTA ES on FPS reinstatement. This experiment demonstrated that VTA but not dPAG ES produced a FPS reinstatement effect. This finding seems to support the research evidence that highlights the importance of mesoamygdaloid systems in mediating conditioned fear and stress responses. Experiment 10 assessed the impact of vPAG ES on FPS reinstatement and discovered that stimulation of this region did not trigger a restoration of FPS in fear-extinguished rats but it did seem to elevate overall acoustic startle responding during final testing, This finding would seem to indicate that ES of the vPAG likely increased contextual fear but not cue specific fear since acoustic startle amplitudes during both the noise-alone and the CS + noise conditions were elevated, The key finding that ES of the amygdala produces robust FPS reinstatement provides further proof that the amygdala and its afferent and efferent neural circuits are essential for fear-memory reconsolidation and conditioned fear expression and reinstatement.
机译:基底外侧杏仁核(BLA)包含NMDA,AMPA和多巴胺(DA)D1和D2受体,杏仁核内的神经生化事件介导条件恐惧学习(CFL)和恐惧表达。长期增强(LTP)在巴甫洛夫式恐惧调节期间发生在杏仁核中,并与恐惧记忆存储有关。 CFL依赖于NMDA,AMPA和多巴胺能受体介导的过程,而增强的杏仁状突触传递促进恐惧记忆的恢复,并使条件性恐惧的表达成为可能。由于中肌淀粉样蛋白DA受体有助于CFL和恐惧表达,因此实验1A和1D检查了BLA内输注DA D1和D2受体拮抗剂SCH 23390和雷洛必利L-酒石酸盐对大鼠FPS摄取的影响。将Wistar品系的大鼠双侧植入位于BLA内侧上方1.0 mm处的引导套管。大约十四天后,评估大鼠的基线听觉惊吓反应并将其分配给药物治疗组。 48小时后,给大鼠输注盐水或适当的多巴胺能拮抗剂。 BLA内输注发生在五个恐惧条件和测试块之前,并进行了观察以了解DA受体的拮抗作用是否会阻止FPS的获得。 FPS的保留测试在48小时后进行。结果表明杏仁核DA D1和D2受体的封锁阻止了FPS的获得。由于使用这些DA拮抗剂治疗的大鼠在保持力测试中未表现出FPS,因此预先训练的raclopride或SCH 23390的BLA内输注中断了长期条件性恐惧记忆的形成。因此,SCH 23390和雷洛必利治疗的大鼠显示的FPS缺陷可能是由于这些DA拮抗剂对联想学习和恐惧记忆巩固过程的影响。实验2表明,暴露于无信号足底的恐惧消灭的老鼠表现出FPS的恢复,但是尚未阐明FPS恢复所涉及的确切神经生化事件。相比之下,没有恐惧的脚震的被扑灭的老鼠在最终测试中没有表现出FPS。由于无信号的足部震颤会导致FPS恢复稳定,因此实验3A至3D独立检查了NMOA,AMPA以及DA D2和D1受体拮抗剂对这种现象的影响。在十天的时间内,对具有BLA靶向作用的插管大鼠进行了衬里,恐惧条件化,预先测试,消除了恐惧,然后输注了酒石酸雷克沙必利(8.0µg,4.0 µg和2.0µg),SCH 23390(4.0 µg),(±)-2-氨基-5-膦基戊酸{(APS); 2.5μg和1.25μg},6-Cyno-7-硝基喹喔啉-2,3-二酮二钠{(CNQX);分别暴露于5 µg和2.5 µg)或磷酸盐缓冲液(PBS)中,然后再暴露于五支无信号的足底。 24小时后评估FPS恢复。这些实验的结果表明,注入PBS的大鼠表现出FPS恢复,而注入AP5,CNQX或两种更高剂量的雷洛必利的大鼠则没有表现出FPS恢复。在实验3B中,BLA内SCH 23390的输注似乎并未破坏FPS的恢复,但是导流管阻塞可能影响了这些结果。在实验3C中,就在无信号的足部震颤发作之前进行了BLA AP5内输注,阻止了大鼠在最终测试过程中恢复FPS。在实验3D中,通过将CNQX应用于大鼠的BLA对FPS的恢复产生了类似的效果。实验3的整体发现表明,DA D2受体拮抗作用和谷氨酸能受体拮抗剂(AP5和CNQX)通过阻止神经元和恐惧调节过程中已经建立的通路的重新激发而损害了杏仁状恐惧记忆的巩固和恢复过程。据推测,这些药物可能已经干扰了杏仁核内的兴奋性突触传递过程和神经生物学细胞内级联反应,从而阻止了FPS的恢复。两项表达控制实验(实验4和5)表明,在实验3中观察到的FPS恢复阻滞不能归因于仅将药物raclopride,AP5或CNQX输注到未熄灭的BLA中而仅阻止恐惧表达的药物。最终测试前24小时的老鼠并没有阻止老鼠表达FPS。人杏仁核和颞叶区域的电刺激(ES)产生情绪激动的记忆回闪和行为,表明存在中央恐惧状态。已知大鼠杏仁核的ES可提高听觉惊吓幅度并增强大鼠的情绪,而大鼠杏仁核的点燃会夸大FPS并产生各种自主和行为恐惧反应。在大鼠中,杏仁核传入的ES诱发条件性恐惧和LTP,因此BLA神经元的电激发可能触发FPS恢复。进行了实验7A和7B,以检验BLA神经元的ES可以恢复恐惧消除大鼠中FPS响应的假说。因此,将双极电极单侧植入BLA的大鼠进行基线测试,恐惧条件化,预先测试,然后分配给FPS上匹配的五组之一。然后大鼠接受恐惧消灭或不消灭训练,然后在48小时后对BLA进行100次无信号电刺激或不进行刺激。包括实验组; [灭绝+刺激(N = 12),灭绝+无刺激(N = 12),无灭绝+无刺激(N = 12),无灭绝+刺激(N = 11)和灭绝+无刺激(N = 12)]。 FPS恢复测试完成后四天,评估FPS恢复情况,并记录BLA AD电流阈值。实验7A表明,除灭绝+无刺激对照组外,所有实验组均表现出FPS,表现出强烈的灭绝效果。最重要的是,“消光+刺激”组在杏仁核ES术后恢复了FPS,具有统计学意义。实验7B证明杏仁核的ES在与惊吓装置不同的环境中也使恐惧消除的大鼠恢复FPS。但是,这种FPS恢复作用的幅度远小于在惊吓测试仪中大鼠接受杏仁核的ES所获得的效果。 BLA的ES导致恐惧消除的大鼠恢复FPS的总体发现表明,BLA的ES重新激活了恐惧记忆系统并恢复了FPS的反应。这种作用可能是通过激发杏仁状神经元和包含CS-UCS关联记忆痕迹的途径而建立的,该记忆痕迹最初是在巴甫洛夫式恐惧调节期间建立的。实验8至10使用与实验7A相同的协议,并研究了与杏仁核共享相互联系的其他大脑区域的ES是否会在恐惧消除的大鼠中触发FPS恢复。实验8至10中的大鼠单侧植入了双极电极,分别位于周围神经鞘膜/岛皮层(PRh / IC),背侧导水管灰色(dPAG),腹侧被盖区(VTA)和腹侧导水管灰色(vPAG)。实验8表明PRh / IC的ES产生了恢复FPS的积极趋势。实验9检验了dPAG和VTA ES对FPS恢复的影响。该实验表明VTA而非dPAG ES产生了FPS恢复作用。这一发现似乎支持了研究证据,该研究证据突显了中肌淀粉样蛋白系统在介导条件性恐惧和压力反应中的重要性。实验10评估了vPAG ES对FPS恢复的影响,并发现该区域的刺激并未触发恐惧消除大鼠的FPS恢复,但似乎确实提高了最终测试期间的整体听觉惊吓反应,这一发现似乎表明vPAG的ES可能增加了上下文恐惧感,但没有提示特定的恐惧感,因为在单独噪声和CS +噪声条件下,声音惊吓幅度均升高了。杏仁核及其传入和传出的神经回路对于恐惧记忆的巩固以及条件性恐惧表达和恢复至关重要。


  • 作者

    Greba Quentin Matthew Luke;

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  • 年度 2005
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