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The change initiative diamond : a framework to balance business process redesign with other change initiatives




In many organisations radical change towards a process orientation, often termedBusiness Process Redesign/Re-engineering (BPR), is being undertaken with the aim ofachieving very significant improvements in performance. Often scholars and consultantssuggest that managers should base their redesign efforts on a ‘clean sheet’ view of theorganisation. There appears to be an implicit assumption that BPR initiatives will takeplace in organisations where no other changes are in progress. In practice this does notappear to be the case; in many enterprises BPR is instigated against a back-drop of aplethora of change initiatives which have been designed to address previous strategic andtactical issues. The literature deals inadequately with the relationship between BPR andother change initiatives. Hence managers often do not appreciate the way in which theseinitiatives can contribute, or indeed hinder, the implementation of a major BPRprogramme. A framework to enable managers gain an overview of initiatives already inplace, to ensure that work was not be duplicated and to identify and redeploy resourcesmore efficiently would be of value. In addition, this information would contribute to moreeffective decision making when managers are called upon to deal with existing changeinitiatives in parallel with BPR. Janet Price, Ashley Braganza and Oscar Weiss present aframework, the Change Initiative Diamond, which has been developed to classify existingchange projects within an organisation or strategic business unit prior to a BPR initiative.The authors present two organisational examples of ways in which the Diamond can beoperationalised and provide initial guidelines for managers balancing several projects intandem with BPR initiatives.
机译:在许多组织中,正在朝着面向流程的方向进行彻底的更改,通常称为“业务流程重新设计/重新设计(BPR)”,目的是实现非常显着的性能改进。通常,学者和顾问建议管理者应该根据组织的“干净的”观点进行重新设计。似乎有一个隐含的假设,即BPR计划将在没有其他更改正在进行的组织中进行。实际上,情况似乎并非如此。在许多企业中,BPR是为了应对大量旨在解决以前的战略和战术问题的变革计划而发起的。文献不足以解决业务流程再造与其他变革计划之间的关系。因此,管理人员通常不理解这些举措可以帮助或什至阻碍大型BPR计划的实施。一个使管理人员能够概览已经实施的计划,确保工作不会重复并且更有效地识别和重新部署资源的框架将具有价值。此外,当要求管理人员与BPR并行处理现有的变更计划时,此信息将有助于更有效的决策。珍妮特·普莱斯(Janet Price),阿什利·布拉甘萨(Ashley Braganza)和奥斯卡·魏斯(Oscar Weiss)提出了“变革倡议钻石”框架,该框架旨在对BPR倡议之前的组织或战略业务部门中现有的变革项目进行分类。进行操作,并为管理人员平衡BPR计划中的多个项目提供初始指导。



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