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President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency Progress Report to the President,Fiscal Year 1999




The Inspector General (IG) community was a very positive and powerful force inthe federal government during Fiscal Year (FY) 1999. This report attests to the excellent progress made by the member Offices of Inspector General (OIG) of the President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency (PCIE) and the Executive Council on Integrity and Efficiency (ECIE) in carrying out the mission of the inspector general established by the Congress in October 1978. Facing the unprecedented technological challenge of Year 2000, the IG community responded by partnering with agency management and, in large part due to intensive joint efforts of these groups, the federal government successfully ushered in the millennium. Understanding and keeping pace with real and potential threats to the systems and data supporting essential federal operations, the IG community tackled a number of cross-cutting systems security issues and offered valuable technical advice. OIGs throughout the federal government also advanced congressional emphasis on improving agencies' strategic planning and maximizing results by sharing best practices and recommending better ways of implementing the Government Performance and Results Act during FY 1999.



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