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Air Quality Modeling Technical Support Document: Point Source Sector Rules




This document describes the air quality modeling performed by EPA in support or air quality and mercury deposition assessments related to large stationary point sources that generate electricity. A national scale air quality modeling analysis was performed to estimate the impact of the sector emissions changes on future year annual and 24-hour PM2.5 concentrations, 8-hr maximum ozone, total mercury deposition, as well as visibility impairment. Air quality benefits are estimated with the Community Multi-scale Air Quality (CMAQ) model. CMAQ simulates the numerous physical and chemical processes involved in the formation, transport, and destruction of ozone, particulate matter and air toxics. In addition to the CMAQ model, the modeling platform includes the emissions, meteorology, and initial and boundary condition data which are inputs to this model. Emissions and air quality modeling decisions are made early in the analytical process. For this reason, it is important to note that the inventories used in the air quality modeling and the benefits modeling may be slightly different than the final utility sector inventories presented in the RIA. However, the air quality inventories and the final rule inventories are generally consistent, so the air quality modeling adequately reflects the effects of the rule.



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