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An investigation of a mathematical model of an optically pumped Ti(3):Al2O3 laser system




During the last several years, solid state lasers were developed that have the potential for meeting rigorous performance requirements for space-based remote sensing of the atmosphere. In order to design a stable and efficient laser and to understand the effect on laser output of changes in the physical and design parameters, an understanding of the development of the dynamical processes of the laser is necessary. Typically, the dynamical processes in a laser system are investigated via rate equations describing the evolution of the occupancy in the electronic levels and of the photon density in the laser cavity. There are two approaches to this type of study. Most often, for the sake of simplicity, the spatial variations of the dynamic variables in the laser system are disregarded and the mathematical model consists of a system of first order nonlinear ordinary differential equations (ODE). The second approach is to take into account both spatial and temporal variations in the dynamic variables in the laser cavity. The resulting model consists of a first order semilinear system of partial differential equations (PDE). The model which was studied was studied was generic in the sense that it was a four-level laser system, but the parameters used in the numerical study were specific to Titanium-doped sapphire. For simplicity, a constant, spatially uniform pumping scheme was considered. In addition, a simplification of the model was made so that it treats a single lasing wavelength with a narrow bandwidth. The purpose was to investigate both versions of the mathematical model and to determine whether the numerical solutions are similar both qualitatively and quantitatively. The systems of ordinary differential equations were solved numerically using a Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg algorithm which was very efficient for typical values of the physical parameters. A numerical scheme, based on the Modified Euler method, for computing solutions to the system of partial differential equations was developed and implemented. The PDE model was solved numerically at the expense of greatly increased computer time.



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