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User Instructions for the CiderF Individual Dose Code and Associated Utility Codes.




Historical activities at facilities producing nuclear materials for weapons released radioactivity into the air and water. Past studies in the United States have evaluated the release, atmospheric transport and environmental accumulation of (sub 131)I from the nuclear facilities at Hanford in Washington State and the resulting dose to members of the public (Farris et al. 1994). A multi-year dose reconstruction effort (Mokrov et al. 2004) is also being conducted to produce representative dose estimates for members of the public living near Mayak, Russia, from atmospheric releases of (sub 131)I at the facilities of the Mayak Production Association. The approach to calculating individual doses to members of the public from historical releases of airborne (sub 131)I has the following general steps: Construct estimates of releases (sub 131)I to the air from production facilities. Model the transport of (sub 131)I in the air and subsequent deposition on the ground and vegetation. Model the accumulation of (sub 131)I in soil, water and food products (environmental media). Calculate the dose for an individual by matching the appropriate lifestyle and consumption data for the individual to the concentrations of (sub 131)I in environmental media at their residence location. A number of computer codes were developed to facilitate the study of airborne (sub 131)I emissions at Hanford. The RATCHET code modeled movement of (sub 131)I in the atmosphere (Ramsdell Jr. et al. 1994). The DECARTES code modeled accumulation of (sub 131)I in environmental media (Miley et al. 1994). The CIDER computer code estimated annual doses to individuals (Eslinger et al. 1994) using the equations and parameters specific to Hanford (Snyder et al. 1994).



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