首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Application of Laboratory and Modeling Capabilities to Extreme Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Astrophysical Sources

Application of Laboratory and Modeling Capabilities to Extreme Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Astrophysical Sources




Work funded by the subject LDRD proposal has produced the following results. First, a comprehensive catalog of EUV lines from M-shell iron (Fe IX-XVI) in the 60-140 {angstrom} waveband. Second, a revised estimate of the radiative cooling of high-temperature plasmas by Fe, which dominates the cooling in cosmic-abundance plasmas from 4 x 10{sup 5}K to 1 x 10{sup 7}K. Third, laboratory data to correct theoretical atomic models and develop reliable spectral models of M-shell Fe in the EUV. Fourth, a solution of the origin of the quasi-continuum in EUV spectra of late-type stars, which has been variously ascribed to a high-temperature tail on the emission measure distribution of stellar coronae, reduced metal abundances, resonant scattering (destruction) of emission lines, and incompleteness of atomic models.



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