首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Zygote-Derived Developmental Anomalies, a New Endpoint of Mutagenesis in Mice.

Zygote-Derived Developmental Anomalies, a New Endpoint of Mutagenesis in Mice.




There are many chemicals to which certain groups of humans are exposed and for which induction of transmissible mutations in mice has been demonstrated. Assessment of genetic risk to humans from these environmental mutagens requires accurate identification and quantification in experimental systems of the types of mutagenic damage that they can produce in the germ line and which can be transmitted to the conceptuses. Conventionally the types of genetic damage considered in this process are gene mutations (dominant, semidominant, and recessive), small deficiencies, structural chromosomal anomalies (reciprocal translocations, inversions, duplications, etc.), and numerical chromosomal anomalies (whole chromosomes missing or in excess). This report presents yet another type of mutagenic response, albeit its nature is still unknown. 13 refs. (ERA citation 14:006496)



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