首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Seismic Hazard Characterization of the Savannah River Plant Site (SRP).

Seismic Hazard Characterization of the Savannah River Plant Site (SRP).




The scope of this study is to perform for the Savannah River site the same kind of calculation as performed for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), using the same methods and data, as those used for all the active Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) sites located east of the Rocky Mountains. The study was specifically designed to provide a set of tools with which the hazard at all the plant sites in the Eastern United States (EUS) could be estimated. However it must be noted that the very specific characteristics of each plant site are only accounted for in a generic fashion. For example, the local site corrections used eight different site categories rather than any site specific factors. In addition, the models of seismicity developed did not concentrate on any specific site locations, but were provided for the entire EUS. Similarly, the ground motion models used in the analysis did not concentrate on small regions, rather, they were separated in four different groups of models applicable to the four areas in the EUS, namely the Northeast, the Southeast, North central, and South central EUS. The results provided by the NRC/LLNL methods with the present data banks are accurate enough that they can be used in screening techniques and for preliminary types of analyses. If a detailed site specific analysis were deemed necessary at a site, a careful revisiting and possibly updating of each of the links in the chain of analyses leading to the final data base would be appropriate. 2 refs., 105 figs., 1 tab. (ERA citation 14:009617)



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