首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Effects of Perturbations on Space Debris in Supersynchronous Storage Orbits

Effects of Perturbations on Space Debris in Supersynchronous Storage Orbits




The current mitigation measure supported to address the space debris situation in the geosynchronous (GEO) region is to boost satellites into supersynchronous orbits in the time before stationkeeping fuel is expected to be exhausted. Because this solution does not remove mass from space, debris generation by fragmentation events remains a possibility. This study examines the consequences of collisions in the storage orbits and possible interaction with GEO. Pertinent background information on GEO debris, including summaries of the sources and management strategies, is covered first. Next, the methods and tools by which the effects of collisions can be analyzed are discussed. A low- velocity breakup model is needed to provide the delta-velocities imparted to the fragment debris; a simple hybrid model is applied here. An analytical study of the effects of perturbations, including solar and lunar third body gravitation, Earth oblateness through degree and order four, and solar radiation pressure, follows in order to evaluate the magnitude of these disturbing forces on the fragmentation debris. Validation of these results is achieved by conducting a numerical analysis using proven numerical and semianalytical orbit propagators. The results show that currently practiced reorbiting distances above GEO do not isolate debris from GEO after the occurrence of collisions in storage orbits.



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