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Naval Surface Fire Support: Meeting Operational Maneuver from the Sea and Future Requirements




The Navy's near- and long-term development programs will fall short of Operational Maneuver from the Sea (OMFTS) and Ship-to-Objective Maneuver (STOM) requirements in three specific areas: (1) range for naval gunfire, (2) response time of long-range fire support mission, and (3) an inexpensive volume- fire long-range munition. The near-term program, a modification to the 5- inch/54 caliber gun mount, will enable the system to fire an extended range guided munition (ERGM) to 63NM. The long-term programs incorporate a 155mm gun system with ranges up to 100NM and a land-attack missile system for targets ranging from 100 to 200NM. OMFTS and STOM concepts project insertion ranges for the MV-22 out to 200NM. Implementation will require the capability to range enemy indirect fire systems beyond 200NM that can fire on the landing zones. Response time for call fires (the time from request to detonation on target) must be minimized. Extensive innovation in target processing is occurring leaving the time of flight for extended range munitions as the largest factor. Call fire response time should be maintained at 2-10 minutes. The time of flight to 63NM is eight minutes for the 5-inch ERGM under development. Without decreasing time of flight, adequate response time is unattainable for 63NM, and impossible for 200NM. Volume fires are required for harassing, suppressing, and area fire missions in support of forces ashore. The production cost of the 5- inch ERGM and land attack missile are anticipated to be $5,000 and $300,000, respectively. These prices are excessive for volume fire missions where the requirement is a steady rain of munitions on a target area, not precision guidance to a target. continued developments occurin range, response time, and a low-cost volume munition withincreased range. Without these improvements, Marinesoperating at the ranges anticipated in OMFTS and STOM will beunnecessarily exposed to enemy fires throughout all phases ofan amphibious operation.



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