首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Low-Cost Femtosatellite to Enable Distributed Space Missions

Low-Cost Femtosatellite to Enable Distributed Space Missions




A new class of distributed space missions is emerging which requires hundreds to thousands of satellites for real-time, distributed, multi-point sensing to accomplish long-awaited remote sensing and science objectives. These missions, stymied by the lack of a low- cost mass-producible solution, can become reality by merging the concepts of distributed satellite systems and terrestrial wireless sensor networks. However, unlike terrestrial sensor nodes, space-based nodes must surviveunique environmental hazards while undergoing complex orbital dynamics. A novel sub-kilogram very small satellite design is needed to meet theserequirements. Sub- kilogram satellite concepts are developing elsewhere,such as traditional picosatellites and microengineered aerospace systems. Although viable technical solutions, these technologies currently come at a high cost due to their reliance on high-density technology or custom manufacturing processes. While evaluating these technologies, two untapped technology areas became evident that uniquelyencompass low cost and mass producibility by leveraging existing commercial production techniques: satellite-on-a-chip and satellite-on-aprinted- circuit-board. This paper focuses on the design, build, and testresults of a prototype satellite-on-a printed- circuit-board with a prototype unit cost of only $300. The paper concludes with mission applications and future direction.



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