首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Provincial Reconstruction Teams: Afghanistan vs. Iraq -- Should We Have a Standard Model

Provincial Reconstruction Teams: Afghanistan vs. Iraq -- Should We Have a Standard Model

机译:省重建队:阿富汗与伊拉克 - 我们是否应该有标准模型



As the war in Iraq begins its fourth year of existence, the security situation has demonstrated remarkable progress. Within this more stable environment, the need for long-term nation building is emerging. With the birth of a new government built on democratic principles, there is a significant requirement for assistance in the creation of institutions that will be enduring. One such interagency tool for providing this assistance is the creation of Provincial Reconstruction Teams. The current formula in Afghanistan is a military-centric organization with significant Coalition participation, while the emerging concept in Iraq calls for a more balanced interagency approach led by the United States. This paper will examine the structure and accomplishments of Provincial Reconstruction Teams to date in Afghanistan, compare them to emerging initiatives in Iraq, and make recommendations for future planning and employment of U.S. government assistance in a post-conflict environment.



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