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Bangladesh: Political and Strategic Developments and U.S. Interests. Updated April 1, 2010

机译:孟加拉国:政治和战略发展与美国利益。 2010年4月1日更新



Bangladesh is a densely populated and poor nation in South Asia. Roughly 80% of its population lives on less than $2 a day. Its population is largely Muslim and its geography is dominated by its low-lying riparian aspect. Bangladesh suffers from high levels of corruption and an at times faltering democratic system that has been subject to pressure from the military. Bangladesh (the former East Pakistan) gained its independence in 1971, following India's intervention in a rebellion against West Pakistan (currently called Pakistan). In the years since independence, Bangladesh has established a reputation as a largely moderate and democratic majority Muslim country. This status has been under threat from a combination of political violence, weak governance, poverty, corruption, and Islamist militancy. There has been concern in the past that should Bangladesh become a failed state, or a state with increased influence by Islamist extremists, it could serve as a base of operations for terrorist activity. In more recent years, such concerns have abated somewhat as Islamist militants have been vigorously pursued by the government and Bangladesh has returned to democratic government. The Bangladesh National Party (BNP) and the Awami League (AL) traditionally have dominated Bangladeshi politics, with the AL in government since January 2009. The BNP is led by former Prime Minister Khaleda Zia; the AL is led by current Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. When in opposition, both parties have sought to regain control of the government through demonstrations, labor strikes, and transport blockades. Political violence has long been part of the political landscape in Bangladesh. In 2004-2005, a particularly intensive set of bombings raised questions about political stability in the country. Bangladesh was ruled by a military-backed caretaker government led by Fakhruddin Ahmed for approximately two years prior to the return to democracy that was ushered in by the December 2008 election.



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