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An Investigation of the Utility of Computer Simulation to Predict Ship Structural Response in Waves




Methods of computer simulation of ship structural response in waves are described, with emphasis given to the slowly varying bending moments due to waves and to slamming responses. Analog, digital, and hybrid computer systems are analyzed, and results obtained by use of the most efficient computational procedures for each type of structural response. The vertical and lateral bending moments due to waves are determined by use of a digital computer, and sample computations illustrated for determining frequency domain outputs. Time history outputs of vertical bending moments due to nonlinear slamming are obtained using a modal model of the ship structural dynamic representations, together with time histories of the wave-induced vertical bending moment due to the same wave system. The capabilities of various computer systems to obtain the required responses, the form of the mathematical model appropriate for computational means, and the time requirements for carrying out the operations are also presented. The rapid assessment of spectral responses and their related statistical properties by means of digital computation, together with time history responses at rates faster than real time, provides a useful tool for determining many aspects of ship structural response characteristics by means of computer simulation. (Author)



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