首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Simulation of Personnel in ARFORGEN to Predict Effects of Structure, Policy, and Demand Changes.

Simulation of Personnel in ARFORGEN to Predict Effects of Structure, Policy, and Demand Changes.




The restructuring of the U.S. Army's active component to 45 Brigade Combat Teams and 13 Combat Aviation Brigades, along with the adoption of the Army Force Generation process, have fundamentally changed Army force structure across rank and specialty while also transforming the model and cycle by which units are manned. In order to meet manning requirements for the planned force structure in support of potential conflicts worldwide, the Army must reassess the manning processes and policies used to achieve these goals. This research utilizes a discrete event simulation model of individual Soldiers as they progress through an Army career, including the demands for soldiers in theater. Simulation results are generated for multiple critical specialties and analyzed to determine the effect of deployment policies on the individual soldier. The Vice Chief of Staff of the Army (VCSA) has designated this effort as a priority modeling effort.



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