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An Architectural Model for the Access Area/Backbone Allocation Problem.




This report develops an architectural model for performing a macroscopic design/analysis of terrestrial voice communication networks. The analysis is based on the relationships between average properties of networks: geographical area to be serviced, number of switches and the average area served by a switch, number of backbone links and the average number links homed on a typical switch, the average capacity andl length of backbone links, the number of user installations, the average length and capacity and length of backbone links, the number of user installations, the average length and capcity of access links, and the average offered load to each access link. Other important parameters are a total budget constraint and allocation criteria for expending the budget in access area design, backbone switches, and backbone links. These last parameters have a significant impact on the end to end performance of the network under routine conditions as well as the survivability of the network. The tools developed herein are not intended for detailed network design problems - rather they are used for analysis of the average properties of large scale networks. With this understanding the examples chosen for analysis in this report approximate the CONUS AUTOVON system. The important features of this system (number of switches, backbone trunks, access area/backbone design budgets, performance and survivability) are analyzed to a gratifying degree of accuracy with our tools considering their averaging nature. (Author)



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