首页> 美国政府科技报告 >The Republic of Korea: Intercultural Education and the Nevada Air National Guard (Team Spirit '82).

The Republic of Korea: Intercultural Education and the Nevada Air National Guard (Team Spirit '82).

机译:大韩民国:跨文化教育和内华达州空军国民警卫队(Team spirit '82)。



This research is based on a program by an interdisciplinary faculty of the USAF Academy. It was conducted in February 1982, and designed to prepare the 152nd Tactical Reconnaissance Group for its deployment to Taegu, Korea (Team Spirit '82). The program emphasized basic knowledge about the culture of Korea (including geography, history, politics, law, religion and language) and emphasized the importance of developing a positive attitude about our ally by providing accurate knowledge about Korea to increase sensitivity toward its people. (Author)



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