首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Gamma-Ray Exposure Hazard due to Stowage of M-774 APFSDS (Armour-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding-Sabot) Rounds in a Leopard C-1 Main Battle Tank

Gamma-Ray Exposure Hazard due to Stowage of M-774 APFSDS (Armour-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding-Sabot) Rounds in a Leopard C-1 Main Battle Tank

机译:豹纹C-1主战坦克中m-774 apFsDs(穿甲鳍稳定抛弃 - sabot)积载引起的伽马射线暴露危险



The M-744 APFSDS anti-tank round contains a depleted-uranium penetrator of 3.4 kgram mass. Since depleted uranium is naturally radioactive, the storage of a substantial number of these rounds inside a Leopard C-1 main battle tank creates a gamma radiation field within the vehicle. Gamma-ray exposure rates have been measured using a sodium-iodide spectrometer at each of the four crew-member locations and for two turret orientations, with 59 rounds stowed in the vehicle. In all cases the measured gamma-ray dose rates were less than a maximum of 0.17 millirad per hour observed at the loader's position. Assuming the loader spent an entire week (168 hours) at his station, his integrated dose would amount to 29 mRad - approximately a factor of 4 lower than the maximum currently allowed by Canadian Forces regulations. It is therefore concluded that the M774 round does not represent a significant gamma radiation hazard to Leopard C1 crewmembers. (Author)



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