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Chinese Military, Economic, and Political Reform: Survey and Chronology.




In the first half of 1987, the success of China's reform program was called into question because of the outbreak of the most serious political strife in a decade. The central issues in the political struggle were the scope of the proposed reforms of the economic and political system (military reform was not an issue), and the extent to which the reforms might threaten the authority of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The reforms, intended to produce a more professional and efficient operation of the armed forces industry, and state administration, were criticized by opponents as contrary to the basic principles of the party and as severe threats to party authority. Proponents of reform countered by separating reform initiatives, which they characterized as experiments and expedients, from basic principles, such as party leadership or the guiding and legitimizing role of Marxism. The proponents denied any contradiction between reform and the Four Cardinal Principles--the socialist road, the people's democratic dictatorship, the leadership of the Communist Party, and the guiding role of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong thought. Both sides were committed to party rule and a dominant economic role for state planning and state-owned enterprises. They differed, however, in the degree and scope of control they considered necessary to ensure social order and to promote economic growth and overall modernization. Incremental reforms continued in the armed forces and in the economic structure of various cities and regions. The People's Liberation Army (PLA) was reducing its numbers by one million soldiers, concentrating on improving the quality of the officer corps, and restructuring its forces to meet the demands of modern war.



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