首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Measurement of the Second Harmonic Response from Ag(III) at the Long-WavelengthLimit. (Reannouncement with New Availability Information)

Measurement of the Second Harmonic Response from Ag(III) at the Long-WavelengthLimit. (Reannouncement with New Availability Information)

机译:在长波长范围内测量ag(III)的二次谐波响应。 (重新公布新的可用性信息)



The optical second harmonic response from a Ag(III) surface in 0.01 M HC104 hasbeen examined at 1.53 um and the results compared with similar measurements at 1.06 um and 0.532 um. The results show a persistence of rotational anisotropy in the SH response from this surface under these nonresonant conditions and we find a convergence in both the SH intensity and optical phase angle at the longer wavelengths. The persistence of anisotropy and the convergence of the phase angle also demonstrate that the present theoretical approaches based on an isotropic electron plasma mode give an incomplete description of the SH response from noble metals under nonresonant conditions.... Ag(111) electrode surfaces, Nonresonant second harmonic generation.



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