首页> 美国政府科技报告 >PASP Plus: An Experiment to Measure Space-Environment Effects on PhotovoltaicPower Subsystems

PASP Plus: An Experiment to Measure Space-Environment Effects on PhotovoltaicPower Subsystems

机译:pasp plus:测量光伏电源子系统空间环境影响的实验



The Photovoltaic Array Space Power Plus Diagnostics experiment (PASP plus, forshort) has been accepted as part of the APEX mission payload aboard a Pegastar satellite to be orbited by a Pegasus launch vehicle in late 1992. The mission's elliptical orbit (190, nmi perigee, 1000 nmi apogee, nominal) will allow us to investigate both space plasma and space radiation effects. PASP Plus will have eleven types of solar arrays and a full complement of environmental and interactions diagnostic sensors. Measurements of space-plasma interactions on the various solar arrays will be made at large negative voltages (to investigate arcing parameters) and at large positive voltages (to investigate leakage currents) by biasing the arrays to various levels up to -500 and +500 Volts. The long-term deterioration in solar array performance caused by exposure to space radiation will also be investigated; radiation dosage will be measured by an electron/proton dosimeter included in the environmental sensor complement. Experimental results from PASP Plus will help establish cause-and-effect relationships and lead to improved design guidelines and test standards for new-technology solar arrays.



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