首页> 外文期刊>Physica, C. Superconductivity and its applications >Anomalous nonlinear microwave response of YBaCuO thin films on MgO

Anomalous nonlinear microwave response of YBaCuO thin films on MgO


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We report on the nonlinear microwave properties of two high-quality YBaCuO thin films on MgO measured at 8 and 16 GHz using the coplanar resonator technique in zero and finite (up to 12 mT) DC magnetic fields applied perpendicularly to the films in field-cooled regime. In the superconducting state, the surface impedance, Z(s) = R-s + jX(s) of both samples decreases as a function of the microwave magnetic field, H-rf. One of the films exhibits this anomaly in R-s(H-rf) at low temperatures T < 15 K, whereas for the other film pronounced anomalies are only seen in X-S(H-rf) and only at intermediate temperatures (40 < T < 50 K). Analysis of the data in terms of the temperature-, frequency- and field-dependent r-parameter (r = DeltaR(S)/DeltaX(S)) has revealed that the anomalous mechanism is most likely related to the quasiparticle dynamics rather than vortex motion. The uncorrelated functional behavior R-S(H-rf) and X-S(H-rf) observed for both films seems to be related to several nonlinear mechanisms interfering with each other. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. [References: 10]
机译:我们报告了使用共平面谐振器技术在垂直和垂直施加于磁场冷却的薄膜的零和有限(最高12 mT)直流磁场中,在8 GHz和16 GHz上测量的两种MgO上高质量YBaCuO薄膜的非线性微波特性政权。在超导状态下,两个样品的表面阻抗Z(s)= R-s + jX(s)随微波磁场H-rf的变化而减小。其中一部电影在低温T <15 K时在Rs(H-rf)中表现出这种异常,而对于另一部电影,只有在XS(H-rf)且仅在中间温度(40



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