
Photoremovable protecting groups based on electron transfer chemistry


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Photoremovable protecting groups(also known as photolabile protecting groups,phototriggers,or caged molecules)are functional groups that are attached to a molecule in such a way as to render the latter inactive.Exposure to light releases the protecting group,restoring functionality to the molecule.The use of photoremovable protecting groups(PRPGs)allows for precise spatial and temporal control of chemical reactions.Such groups have found use in many diverse applications,ranging from time resolved studies of physiological processes,to fabrication of spatially resolved combinatorial libraries of DNA.Recent research efforts have focused on designing protecting groups that are removed through photoinduced electron transfer(PET),rather than by direct photolysis.The PET strategy allows the light absorption step to be decoupled from the bond breaking step,thus permitting more control over the wavelengths of light used in the release process.The application of these types of protecting groups to the photochemical release of amines,alcohols,ketones,and carboxylic acids is described.


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