首页> 外文期刊>Chemical engineering journal >Recyclable composite nanofiber adsorbent for Li~+ recovery from seawater desalination retentate

Recyclable composite nanofiber adsorbent for Li~+ recovery from seawater desalination retentate


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Composite poly(acrylonitrile) (PAN) nanofibers with H_(1.6)Mn_(1.6)O4 (HMO) lithium ion-sieves were prepared, characterized and tested for lithium ion (Li*) recovery. Nanofibers were prepared by electros-pinning 10 wt% HMO/PAN dope solutions in dimethylformamide with varied HMO loadings. Characterizations performed via XRD, SEM-EDS, capillary flow porometry and mechanical testing revealed highly porous, mechanically and chemically stable composite nanofibers with high water absorption capacity. The similar nanofiber diameters (<300nm) and HMO particle sizes (<100nm) rendered PAN as a binder to have minimal hindrance to the HMOs. Exposure of HMOs on the fiber surface provided good accessibility to the Li~+ source, as indicated by the minimal loss of Li~+ adsorption capacity of HMOs in PAN as compared to the support-free powdered HMO. All tested adsorbents followed Langmuir-type Li* adsorption (q_m). Increased HMO loadings resulted in improved adsorption performance as more HMOs were exposed on fiber surface and became less affected by the binder; the highest q_m = 10.3mg/g obtained from 60 wt% HMO/PAN was only 4% lower than the support-free HMO. Adsorption loss after ten reuses was minor (<4%), which suggests the long-term stability of HMO/PAN. In seawater desalination retentate, HMO/PAN (60wt%) preferentially adsorbed Li~+ over other cations, achieving 99-5312 Li~+ separation factors and high Li~+ distribution coefficient (K_D = 770). Li~+ was concentrated up to 486 times while interfering cations were enriched only up to <7 times. Overall results demonstrate the potential use and recyclability of the developed HMO/PAN composite nanofiber for Li~+ recovery from seawater or other prospective sources.
机译:制备了具有H_(1.6)Mn_(1.6)O4(HMO)锂离子筛的复合聚丙烯腈(PAN)纳米纤维,表征并测试了锂离子(Li *)的回收率。通过在不同的HMO负载下将10 wt%的HMO / PAN涂料溶液电固定在二甲基甲酰胺中来制备纳米纤维。通过XRD,SEM-EDS,毛细管流动孔隙率法和机械测试进行的表征表明,具有高吸水能力的高度多孔,机械和化学稳定的复合纳米纤维。相似的纳米纤维直径(<300nm)和HMO粒径(<100nm)使PAN成为粘合剂,对HMO的阻碍最小。与不含载体的粉末状HMO相比,HMO在纤维表面上的暴露为Li〜+离子源提供了良好的可及性,这表明PAN中HMO的Li〜+吸附能力损失最小。所有测试的吸附剂均遵循Langmuir型Li *吸附(q_m)。随着更多的HMO暴露在纤维表面,而不受粘合剂的影响,增加的HMO含量可改善吸附性能。从60 wt%的HMO / PAN中获得的最高q_m = 10.3mg / g,仅比无载体的HMO低4%。十次重复使用后的吸附损失很小(<4%),这表明HMO / PAN的长期稳定性。在海水淡化滞留物中,HMO / PAN(60wt%)优先吸附Li〜+而不是其他阳离子,达到99-5312的Li〜+分离因子和较高的Li〜+分配系数(K_D = 770)。 Li〜+浓缩至486倍,而干扰阳离子仅富集至<7倍。总体结果表明,开发的HMO / PAN复合纳米纤维可用于从海水或其他潜在来源中回收Li +。



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