首页> 外文期刊>Physica, B. Condensed Matter >Neutron spin echo interferometry through magnetic potentials

Neutron spin echo interferometry through magnetic potentials


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We have established new principles of neutron spin interferometry based on a coherent superposition of (a) two eigen-states of up arrow and down arrow neutron spins or (b) two different energy states with the same up arrow spin state by using non-resonance or resonance neutron spin flippers, respectively. These interferometric states appear as spin precession or time beat, respectively. The phase difference between two spin states can be observed by the neutron spin echo, or by the resonance neutron spin echo. Using these interferometers, we have observed neutron spin precessions through various Fabri-Perot magnetic potentials in the tunneling region. We have also demonstrated that the phase shift of time beat is different depending on whether the magnetic potential is at the upstream of the spin analyzer or at the downstream of it, in the time-beat interferometer. Time-beat neutron interferometry opens new physics on tunneling time and diffraction time problems. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. [References: 22]
机译:我们基于(a)上箭头和下箭头中子自旋的两个本征态或(b)使用非共振的两个不同能态和相同上箭头自旋状态的相干叠加,建立了中子自旋干涉术的新原理或共振中子自旋鳍状肢。这些干涉状态分别表现为自旋进动或时间节拍。可以通过中子自旋回波或共振中子自旋回波来观察两个自旋状态之间的相位差。使用这些干涉仪,我们已经观察到穿隧区域中通过各种Fabri-Perot磁势产生的中子自旋旋进。我们还证明了时间拍相移取决于视差干涉仪中磁势是在自旋分析仪的上游还是在自旋分析仪的下游。时间拍中子干涉术为隧穿时间和衍射时间问题开辟了新的物理学。 (C)2002 Elsevier Science B.V.保留所有权利。 [参考:22]



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