首页> 外文期刊>Physical Geography >Land-use effects on erosion, sediment yields, and reservoir sedimentation: A case study in the Lago Loiza Basin, Puerto Rico

Land-use effects on erosion, sediment yields, and reservoir sedimentation: A case study in the Lago Loiza Basin, Puerto Rico


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Lago Loiza impounded in 1953 to supply San Juan, Puerto Rico, with drinking water; by 1994, it had lost 47% of its capacity. To characterize sedimentation in Lago Loiza, a study combining land-use history, hillslope erosion rates, and subbasin sediment yields was conducted. Sedimentation rates during the early part of the reservoir's operation (19531963) were slightly higher than the rates during 1964-1990. In the early history of the reservoir, cropland comprised 48% of the basin and erosion rates were high. Following economic shifts during the 1960s, cropland was abandoned and replaced by forest, which increased from 7.6% in 1950 to 20.6% in 1987. These land-use changes follow a pattern similar to the northeastern United States. Population in the Lago Loiza Basin increased 77% from 1950 to 1990, and housing units increased 194%. Sheetwash erosion measured from 1991 to 1993 showed construction sites had the highest sediment concentration (61,400 ppm), followed by cropland (47,400 ppm), pasture (3510 ppm), and forest (2050 ppm). This study illustrates how a variety of tools and approaches can be used to understand the complex interaction between land use, upland erosion, fluvial sediment transport and storage, and reservoir sedimentation.
机译:Lago Loiza于1953年被扣押,向波多黎各的圣胡安提供饮用水;到1994年,它已经失去了47%的产能。为了表征拉各·洛伊萨(Lago Loiza)的沉积,进行了一项结合土地使用历史,山坡侵蚀速率和子盆地沉积物产量的研究。水库运营初期(19531963年)的沉积率略高于1964-1990年期间的沉积率。在水库的早期历史中,农田占流域的48%,侵蚀率很高。随着1960年代的经济变化,农田被废弃,取而代之的是森林,森林面积从1950年的7.6%增加到1987年的20.6%。这些土地利用变化遵循的模式类似于美国东北部地区。从1950年到1990年,拉各斯·罗伊萨盆地的人口增加了77%,住房单位增加了194%。从1991年至1993年测量的冲刷侵蚀显示,建筑工地的沉积物浓度最高(61,400 ppm),其次是农田(47,400 ppm),牧场(3510 ppm)和森林(2050 ppm)。这项研究说明了如何使用各种工具和方法来理解土地利用,山地侵蚀,河流沉积物的运输和存储以及水库沉积物之间的复杂相互作用。



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