首页> 外文期刊>Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing: Journal of the American Society of Photogrammetry >Comparison of DMC, UltraCam, and ADS40 Imagery for Benthic Habitat and PropellerScar Mapping

Comparison of DMC, UltraCam, and ADS40 Imagery for Benthic Habitat and PropellerScar Mapping


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This article compares the use of ADS40-52, dmc, and ultra-camd digital airborne camera imagery for mapping benthic habitat and identifying boat propeller scars in seagrass habitats. The three image data sets were collected over Redfish Bay, Texas on the same day, under almost identical environmental conditions. Next, the data sets were compared to each another using a variety of criteria. Finally, automated methods were used to create maps of propeller scars and the accuracy of each map was analyzed.Significant findings include.Digital airborne ADS40-52, dmc, and ultracam imagery can be used to effectively map benthic habitat and propeller scars.Imagery from the dmc and ADS40-52 had the highest spatial accuracy.Spectral separatability of benthic habitat class and propeller scars is best in the dmc and the ads40-52 imagery.The accuracy of propeller scar maps was highest for maps produced from the ADS40-52 data.
机译:本文比较了ADS40-52,dmc和超摄像的数字机载相机图像在绘制底栖生境和识别海草生境中的船用螺旋桨疤痕方面的使用。这三个图像数据集是在几乎相同的环境条件下于同一天在德克萨斯州雷德菲什湾收集的。接下来,使用各种标准将数据集相互比较。最后,使用自动化方法创建螺旋桨疤痕图,并分析每幅图的准确性,重要发现包括:数字空中ADS40-52,dmc和ultracam图像可用于有效绘制底栖生境和螺旋桨疤痕图。 dmc和ADS40-52的空间精度最高。在dmc和ads40-52影像中,底栖生境类别和螺旋桨疤痕的光谱可分离性最好。 。



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