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Central thermoregulatory effect of insect neuropeptide leucopyrokinin (LPK) in rats


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It was reported previously that intracerebroventricular administration of synthetic insect octapeptide leucopyrokinin (pGlu-Thr-Ser-Phe-Thr-Pro-Arg-LeuNH_2) at the dose of 20 nmol exerts significant hipothermic effect in rats reversed by prior administration of naloxone, an antagonist of opioid receptors [1]. The present study was undertaken to confirm our preliminary results and determine effect of lower doses LPK on rectal temperature in rats. Experiments were conducted on adult Wistar rats with implanted polyethylene cannulas into the lateral brain ventricle (icv). LPK was injected icv in the range of doses 1-20 nmols. Rectal temperature was recorded before and 20, 40, 70, 100, 130 min and 24 h after LPK administration. We found that LPK at the dose of 20 nmol induced significant hipothermia, while lower doses of 1, 5, and 10 nmols induced significant hiperthermia, which was not blocked by prior administration of naloxone. Both LPK effects (hiper- and hipothermia) were most pronounced 40 min after administration of this peptide. The dose response curve displayed an evident bimodal dose dependent effect. We conclude that hiperthermic effect of LPK is opioid independent, while hipothermic effect is mediated by central opioid receptors.
机译:以前有报道说,以20 nmol的剂量在室内进行合成昆虫八肽亮氨酸激肽激肽(pGlu-Thr-Ser-Phe-Thr-Pro-Arg-LeuNH_2)的脑室内给药可显着提高大鼠的吸热效果,这种作用可通过预先给予拮抗剂纳洛酮逆转阿片受体[1]。进行本研究以证实我们的初步结果并确定较低剂量LPK对大鼠直肠温度的影响。对成年Wistar大鼠进行了实验,将成年的聚乙烯套管植入侧脑室(icv)。 IPK注射LPK的剂量范围为1-20nmol。在LPK给药之前和之后20、40、70、100、130分钟和24小时记录直肠温度。我们发现LPK剂量为20 nmol时会引起明显的体温过高,而较低剂量的1、5和10 nmols会导致显着的体温过高,而纳洛酮的预先服用并未阻止这种情况。施用该肽后40分钟,两种LPK效应(髋部和体温过高)最明显。剂量反应曲线显示出明显的双峰剂量依赖性效应。我们得出结论,LPK的热疗作用是独立于阿片样物质的,而热疗作用是由中央阿片样物质受体介导的。



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