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Italy's neonicotinoid bans help bees


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In a letter sent to the European Parliament Agriculture Committee on 8th July 2011 the Italian bee health monitoring network APENET presented its findings on the benefits to bee health of restricting the use of neonicotinoid pesticides in the production of maize crops. The letter was sent in order to feed evidence into the Agriculture Committee's deliberations on a report on bee health. The report which has yet to be finalised should be available later this year. In September 2008, the Italian Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Agriculture decided to apply the precautionary principle, and suspended use of the neonicotinoid and systemic insecticides clothianidin, thi-amethoxam, imidacloprid and fipronil on maize treated seeds. This has been a continuous suspension running through 2009, 2010 and up until at least the autumn of 2011.
机译:在2011年7月8日致欧洲议会农业委员会的一封信中,意大利蜂类健康监测网络APENET介绍了其在限制玉米作物生产中使用新烟碱类农药对蜜蜂健康的好处方面的发现。这封信是为了向农业委员会的关于蜜蜂健康报告的审议提供证据。该报告尚未定稿,应于今年晚些时候提供。 2008年9月,意大利卫生部和农业部决定采用预防原则,并在玉米处理过的种子上暂停使用新烟碱和全身性杀虫剂可比安定,噻虫灵,吡虫啉和氟虫腈。从2009年到2010年一直持续暂停,直到至少2011年秋天。



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